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x3r0h0ur 8956

Something I've been playing with a bit when I'm not doing Adam testing.

The concept is simple, spam 2 assets a turn, and do something. Then trigger your ability every turn. Its basically for every runner turn, lose 1 credit! The campaigns are all great, and when the runner is low on bucks, hit them with an ad blitz...they'll stick then!

No tagging or tag punishment, pure, cheap tax, lots to rez in response to siphon spam, cheap parasiteable ice, but low cost and recurrable with ad blitz or jacko. Use assets to bait runs to drain dave or lady, or just credits.

19 Aug 2015 Wolf88

the ice doesn't seem stoppy enough. more tollbooth, less special offer?

19 Aug 2015 Voron

Spark Agency: Worldswide Reach only triggers during the first time each turn. So Ad Blitz only triggers for 1 credit, and nothing more :P

19 Aug 2015 Jashay

Ooh, I like it! I feel like you may have over-saturated on the concept, though... Rex Campaign? Tch... ;)

What do you do when you've got their money down? I assume SanSan City Grid FA? I love the idea, but it seems like you need a fair bit of money to get yourself going, too. I'd personally consider dropping the Rex Campaign (the most useless Advertisement here) and putting in, say, 3x Turtlebacks. A single rezzed one and Ad Blitz costs nothing. Multiples, and you could likely pay for all the rezzes too.

Would you consider a Tag-based route for this? City Surveillance and Manhunt alone would tie runners in knots... If any deck can make tags stick, it would be this one, so Information Overloads and a Closed Accounts would be absolutely brutal. Not sure what to follow that up with, though... Psychographics?

19 Aug 2015 x3r0h0ur

@Wolf88 Actually the idea is to tax, it does a great job keeping the runner poor. The ice is surprisingly effective.

``@JashayRex is actually great, its a nice low cost advert that you can rez off turn to hit the runner for 1, and the ROI is good, and it removes bad pub, so thats the fall back. Its surprising how well all of this asset spam works in your favor. WRT Rex often runners put off trashing it, and on that turn, you make a play so they have to not address it in time. You do build a scoring remote and score out or sansan out. I do like the idea of City Surveillance, but I have no slots for tag punish, so basically I'd have to slot freelancer or something, trashing resources might be a bit too much (though in both games I had north of 20 credits, with all ice rezzed. Slots are the real problem with tagging. This is just raw tax punching.

19 Aug 2015 x3r0h0ur

@Voron I noticed early that it was 1 time per turn. The idea of holding it is so the runner sees 3, 4, or even 5 assets come back while they have 2-3 bucks, and get that defeated feeling you get when you hit an architect you can't break, and just give up on the assets.

I'm considering reality ThreeDee, but the pub is bad (rex though!)

20 Aug 2015 say200426

Why can't people realize that global food initiative is actually a worse project Beale?

20 Aug 2015 x3r0h0ur

Why can't you realize that for all intents and purposes it's the same, especially if the deck doesn't run psychographics? No one is going to over advance the beale with clicks. I needed the card slot badly, more than i needed the 1 influence...due to the 3 1s.

Sweeping statements like how its strictly worse than Beale exemplifies narrow thinking and lesser understanding of deck building. Can you explain how it is worse, when deckslots are a premium?

20 Aug 2015 Heartthrob

@x3r0h0ur's right, you can't say that GFI is strictly "worse" than Beale. It's filling a different role and decreasing agenda density while giving the corp that one more slot for good stuff. In a deck where the runner needs to steal a minimum of 4 agendas to win, GFI can be a big deal. I've won many a game by Astro'ing a Beale as a 5/3, yet lost many a game by seeing 2 Beales get sniped on a Legwork/Maker's Eye. This changes that dynamic just enough to make it worth trying. It's hard to put a value on how much deck slots are worth versus the ability to score a 3/2, really.

20 Aug 2015 coyotemoon722

Yeah I'm a little torn on Ad Blitz myself, but I see your logic behind it.

5 Sep 2015 Bigguyforyou518

I think not running Snare! or News Team is a mistake, as your centrals are going to get absolutely pounded.

Product Placement is just not great, despite the fact that it's an advertisement. It makes your centrals more porous and isn't much of a trap at all. The best thing about it is you can stuff it on your safest central and trigger it's 1 drain at an opportune moment, but I really don't think that's worth the deck space.

NAPD Contract is one of the best (and easiest) ways to take advantage of your tax, so I'd try to squeeze a third one in there (also helps a bit with your central problems).

Not sure how I feel about Archangel - does it actually create scoring windows for you?

5 Sep 2015 x3r0h0ur

The deck stretches the runner's money so thin that even going through a pop up is painful. Then with the low cash, they let your assets get out of hand, and you can rez toll booths and archangels. My new list has 3 tolls and 2 wraps, with 3 sansans. With sansan you can pressure the runner off your centrals and onto the remote.

The idea is to distract from centrals with remotes, and a tollbooth and pop ups on RnD and HQ, with archangel coming in late. Archangel is more for on access punishment too, I'll typically hold 2 in HQ so that I can draw out of RnD lock and also discourage random HQ hits. I could see snare, but I'm' not sold on what to drop for it.