Wandering Sysops [Standard]

Diogene 4464

4 clicks corp! HB efficiency in Jinteki! Enjoy the speed!

Game plan : Make a tall remote and score out fairly fast.

Mulligan plan : ices in hand.


The idea is to use the upgrades and assets to make a remote server with 3+ ices, or to get something protected while putting out something else. You should be able to trigger the ID nearly every turn (average of 4 turns out of 5).

The lone Urtica Cipher is there for a possible open decklist. It keeps the runner guessing, which helps a lot. But it could be replaced by NGO Front for a different bluff, but slows down the runner a bit less if they do not feel the need to draw up their hand.

Vovô Ozetti + Tatu-Bola = Hedge Fund in value. It helps a lot.

The Holo Man can let us score a 5-3 agenda with not advancement, or score from hand a Regenesis to get 4 points.

Initially, the deck also had Isaac Liberdade, to have all the wandering Sysops, but it did not prove useful enough. Sorry Issac.

Otherwise, this plays fairly well and using Regenesis is always fun. A trick that seems to work to use Regenesis : leave R&D open when making the Regenesis score setup. That way, the runner will be incentized to check R&De instead of using Dirty Laundry on archive for some credits.

Anansi was added because it is a good ice when facing Tsakhia "Bankhar" Gantulga. Also, it synergize well with Hafrún.

If you read until here, I have an hot take for you : A Teia: IP Recovery will probably be among the best corp when Elevation comes out. What do you think?


17 Feb 2025 BucketHatBen

I think your hot take could be accurate! A Teia needs a few good cards. Perhaps a way to move ice from the big remote to centrals...

17 Feb 2025 kukrasdeluxe3

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