
Eijolend 1

Andromedas big start hand makes Prepaid VoicePADs and Event Economy Appealing in Criminal even without the additional card draw of shaper.

I opted to not go for the Anarch Breaker Suite since that is more costly in influence and is more difficult to set up. Maker's Eye is a very crucial card to spend influence on. As is Levy AR Lab Access since it is both important for getting a trashed breaker back as well as keeping me strong in the late game when Kati Jones is not enough economy to keep up and all the juicy multi-access cards are already gone.

The exact Event composition is very much debatable - I like Planned Assault instead of additional copies of Legwork and Inside Job so I can choose whether to focus on R&D with Maker's Eye or Legwork HQ or Inside Job that one-iced remote. It opens up a lot of versatility but at the cost of having fewer overall run events. Same Old thing is there to recycle those events as appropriate if the corp doesn't close the hole in his defense soon. More often than not I find myself reusing Maker's Eyes and Legwork instead of Account Siphon.

Lawyer Up is nice when it works, but definitely not essential. FOA and Emergency Shutdown really change importance depending on the matchup you're facing, so not sure how I should adjust that composition.

I try to avoid going tag-me since Mr. Li is such a great way to find what you need earlier and to control how much money you want to draw right now. That is so useful I even prefer to use the first Hostage on Mr. Li instead of Kati Jones. Maybe including Mr. Li and Kati Jones is against the spirit of an event based deck and they don't permit me to keep tags and force me to include the otherwise useless Hostages, but I found they are a really important part of this deck.