H2O2: We are there for you

Pantacruel 85

Welcome Citizen, to your new life on Mars, and your new family, the Jemison Corporation. Please sit back and enjoy the ride while our pods take you to your new condominium.

After the long haul from Earth, physical and mental weariness are normal. To ensure your safety, we have upgraded your nano-chip to allow enhanced monitoring of physical chemistry. Any exposure to contaminated water or poorly filtered air will be immediately sent to our monitoring AI, equipped with the latest NBN technology and backed up by SYNC satellites. We are there for you.

During your working hours, you will be monitored to 100% of your activity. Please be advised that we regularly perform total lockdown of the entire facilities, to ensure we are all prepared in the event of catastrophic or unforeseen events.

As specified during the haul from Earth, all your credits are completely protected in our state of the art online accounts, far from access by unwanted criminal elements and the local clans.

With regards to your duties, due to the highly classified nature of the research we are conducting on Mars, it is within your best interest to purge on a daily basis any data stored in your PAD memory bank. Do not think that espionage and criminality have to come to Mars.

You will quickly realize that the local clans will do anything possible to give us bad press. Do not be worried, what we do here is for the good of humanity. With Audacity and Sacrifice, we will reach Success.


I hope you enjoy this deck. Just weave around the runner. Rush early if you can. Or money up and tag them. Or trash a key component of their deck architecture... umm oh yes, don't forget to turn on the camera at the front of the missile when you fire off BOOM. It makes for some awesome NBN news stories.

The inspiration for modifications to this deck came from Code Marvelous's youtube channel.

17 Mar 2017 CodeMarvelous

Something I have learned from play Shipment from MirrorMorph is a godsend because it installs oberth and the agenda at one time.

17 Mar 2017 Saan

@CodeMarvelousOoooooh, man do I like that. Man do I ever like that a lot!

11 Apr 2017 Pantacruel

@CodeMarvelous Hi Code, yeah actually when I was trying this deck, I found it had too many moving parts to be effective. I think @Amavric had a really cool deck where he used Project Junebug to basically insta kill the runner. Very fun. Here it is: netrunnerdb.com