Expensive Education

aloobyalordant 145

Hayley's ability lets you save a click a turn (sometimes two, if you install things on the Corp's turn). Magnum Opus translates those clicks into cash in the most direct way possible, and Replicator gives you fuel for the ability.

Once your full rig is set up, you'll be getting through most servers for a handful of recurring credits with Cloaks, Dagger, Cyberfeeders and a monstorously overpowered Study Guide. Magnum Opus will be there to pay you through the rest, and you'll be running on R&D for 3-4 cards per access.

Magnum Opus and Study Guide are joint MVP of the deck. Opus lets you keep the pressure on at all times, trash assets like nobody's business, and is your single-card counter to SEA Source, Midseasons, and Punitive. Study Guide starts off slow but becomes an unstoppable wrecking ball, putting the Corp's Tollbooths, Wormholes, Turings and Cricks to shame. It combos beautifully with a couple of Cyberfeeders and/or Cloaks - turn those unused recurring credits into free strength boosts.

Replicator turns on all kinds of shenanigans. Get used to saying things like: "At the end of your turn, I pay 2 to take Cyberfeeder off of Personal Workshop, triggering Replicator, searching for another Cyberfeeder and adding to it to my hand, then using Hayley's ability to install the second Cyberfeeder, searching my deck for the last Cyberfeeder and adding it to my hand. Then I'll use the two Cyberfeeder credits to boost the strength of Study Guide by 1. Then my turn begins..." Be prepared to do a lot of shuffling. Consider buying card sleeves in bulk.

Personal Workshop turns on more shenanigans. You can use it to get a few extra double-installs on the Corp's turn, but the best use is on R&D runs. Either bring a cheap hardware off and install a surprise R&D Interface from hand once you're past all the ice, or host an R&D Interface on there and install 1-2 copies (thanks to Replicator) once you know how much money you'll have spare.

Tips for playing this deck:

  • There is no economy except for Opus . You don't need it. Mulligan for Opus or Self-modifying Code, and get Opus on the board on turn 1.

  • Against Tag'n'Bag decks, be careful and money up. You can outpace almost all corps in the medium to long term.

  • Don't install stuff you don't currently need just to use Hayley's ability, and don't put building the big rig ahead of stealing agendas. Sometimes you want to install your R&D Interface before you find a Replicator because you can get into R&D now. Sometimes you want to start burning through your Ghost Runner credits instead of digging for Cloak because you need to get in that server now.

Escher, Legwork and Utopia Shard are all bonus slots providing a bit of HQ pressure, and can be swapped out to taste. I recently swapped Escher and Utopia Shard for two Test Runs, to mitigate the dreaded "I mulliganed into no Opus and no SMC" scenario.