Chameleon Scholar - 1st SC Västerås

Warpstoned 782

I won a 12 man SC with this deck paired with a NEH Team Sponsorhip astrobiotics deck.

Originally derived from

But has gone through a lot of changes during playtesting. Mainly Legwork and ProCos, but also smaller adjustments lika bookmark, sahasrara, extra paricia, atman to name a few.

This deck went 3-1 during swiss. Wins were against ETF, Biotech, ETF, and the loss against a New Angeles Sol deck. The pressure of mideseasons, tagging ice, fast advance and targeted marketing is a little much for this deck. It does however line up really good against ETF.

During the top cut it did win against the same Sol deck thanks to some early agenda steals and finally a lucky single access got it home.

I feel like there still are some tweaks to be made to this deck, but it feels strong.

A weak point is early pressure from HB/NBN when you need david and clot, and clone chips to maintain them both. It is a little draining there. Probably will go up to 3 LLDS again, to let chameleons take on st5 ice earlier, or add a scavenge or something.

And before you ask. The bookmark is my poor mans plascrete/feedback filter. Meat damage has been a little out of favour around here lately and I went with the cheaper (and little worse) alternative. It does help against the net damage decks too, and at worst is a free install off Hayley, triggering Tech writers and can be sold to Aesops. I can not recommend it for every meta, so take that into consideration if you want to take this to an event.