
NetDad 797

I took this Loup deck to Worlds and officially made 27th, but as outlined in my corp writeup I performed well enough to make the cut but due to clerical issues I wasn't in there. It's basically a Freedom deck except it uses Infinite Imp to trash everything instead of the ID. It crushes any deck that tries to skimp on ice, and has enough draw to power Audrey.

QtM can write 5000 words about Mulch, but the summary is the same as always been: If your Anarch deck can clicklessly draw two cards a turn it can support the busted Anarch discard econ engines while playing the full 3x of your main pieces all while having enough consistency to see your 1x tech includes.

1 Nov 2023 maninthemoon

Love the list! Well done <3 Clean and simple write up :)