NEXT Flash Freeze v1.0

vevicus 20

Get out masses of ICE early on and aim to score an ABT early. Lots of burst econ to support your ice laying and ways to cheat out some bigger ice like ABT, Bioroid Efficiency, and Priority Req. You need to really pressure the runner and force them to run at your ice gauntlets so they have less time to set up their ideal rig and econ. This deck burns out quickly since it has limited prolonged econ.

Biotic Labour for fast scoring to surprise the runner and possibly get out a timely PR/ABT or get the game to match point.

Use Jacksons to bait out runs when you don't have agendas. Try to recur your econ cards and specific pieces of ICE as the situation dictates.

Dream Start: 2-3 cheap ETR ICE, 1 Hedge/Sweeps, and 1 ABT.

Pre-game: Depending on the runner, cover the central they're most likely to hit early (R&D for Anarch/Shaper, HQ for Criminal) and setup a remote.

Turn 1: Set up a remote with ABT ideally covered with two different ETRs (Eli can be risky) as long as HQ and R&D are also covered. One piece of ice is a little riskier.

If you don't have at least 2 ETR ICE in your hand I would definitely mulligan. You need to abuse NEXT's passive to get at least 4 free clicks before the game starts.

Potential Changes:

-not sure how I feel about my ICE distribution. I might favour some more cheap ICE to make sure I have a solid start

-might try to work in another sweeps for more econ

-considering paper walls over Enigma for more cheap ETR or maybe some Pop-ups for even more econ

-Ash is there mostly as a delay and a semi-diversion if you can't get your agendas early, but I'm considering more ICE in their place.

-May consider dropping a Vitruvius for a corporate war for even more burst econ

7 Feb 2014 temporar

Some thoughts that may (or not) help you optimize the deck.

Agendas -2 Project Vitruvius +1 Project Wotan With so many clickable bioroids Wotan kind of makes sense.

I. Economy. - 3 Green Level Clearance, -2 Sweeps Week, -2 Biotic Labor +3 Adonis, +3 Eve Campaign, +1 Melange. This slows you down, but forces runner to run your remotes more often and essentially slow him down as well. And since you have so many ices, why not put them to use.

II. ICE management -2 BER, +2 Howlers. A matter of preference. BER gets you solid defence early on. Howler can surprise with something nasty, like Ichi, Heimdall or Janus.

Barriers -3 Ice Wall, +3 Wall of Static To save influence and fill 3 str spot.

Code Gates -3 Next Bronze, -1 Tollbooth. +2 Sensei, +3 Hourglass

Yog or Gordian Blade will get through your Code Gates without much effort. Both Sensei and Hourglass synergize well with a lot of clickable bioroids you have.

Sentries -1 Ichi 2.0, -2 Sherlock 1.0, +3 Ichi 1.0. Ichi 1.0 feels so goods on it own. Sherlock seems so expensive for what it does.

The freed up influence could be used for Dedicated Servers (swap with Ash?) or something nasty like.. Punitive Counterstrike! :-)

17 Feb 2014 vevicus

Definitely going to tweak it with some of your suggestions. Before I thought Howlers were bad because the runner could just jack out, but that's fine because I can score an agenda that way.

The slower economy might also make sense.