Liberate me

Mad Tinkerer 228

The main strategy of this deck is to use Lady Liberty to make points and kill the runner with Punitive Counterstrike.

Lady Liberty is usually really hard to play especially since there are no good ways to get it fast but with this deck you get the options to search it by trashing M.I.C.. So while you protect something else you can put a lot of presure on the runner by giving them a high priority target that's rather expensive to trash. Also if it exceeded it's usefulness (having 4 or more power counters hosted) it's not just a useless card to you since you can trash it to get a Border Control ready. Also it's not unlikely with this deck that you get to use it again.

City Works Project with Daniela Jorge Inácio is pretty good at reducing the runners grip.

Divested Trust can really safe you and gives you a nice edge for the Punitive Counterstrike trace. Also it's a good target for Lady Liberty since you only need to have it in your score area.

Tucana lets you search for the most usuful ice in the current situation (usually I set up M.I.C. with it.

Mavirus is the best card for quick surprises like Manegarm Skunkworks or Daniela Jorge Inácio.

If played well Yakov Erikovich Avdakov is stupidly good at making money.

While building I mostly tried to be flexible with the plays that you can do rather than go for straight forward boring econemy.

Here is also a listing of usful combinations of cards (trash x to search for y)

Cost 6 -> 5 M.I.C. -> Lady Liberty, Envelopment, Valentão

Cost 5 -> 4 Envelopment -> Border Control

Cost 4 -> 3 Border Control -> Afshar, Sandstone, Mavirus, Crisium Grid

Cost 3 -> 2 Mavirus -> Daniela Jorge Inácio, Manegarm Skunkworks, Tucana, Yakov Erikovich Avdakov, Regolith Mining License, Cybersand Harvester

Cost 2 -> 1 Cybersand Harvester, Regolith Mining License -> Tithe

And don't forget about the wild cards Extract and Stavka which open up even more possibilities (like trashing Tithe to search a Spin Doctor)