NEXT Stop, Haas-Bioroid!

esutter479 322

More NEXT love!! This latest version of my favorite Corp ID was helped along by CodeMarvelous, and then I fine tuned it a bit more where I thought it needed a little help. Added some more OpEcon, as well as Pup and Ice Wall and Eli for some early game taxation (Ice Wall for pumping up later if Atman hits the table), and went a bit lower on Sentries for more of a surprise factor, as well as to tax myself less. Feedback welcome, as always. :)

14 Aug 2014 Jashay

Heh, I was looking at this going 'Where is this CodeMarvelous card he mentions?'... Not my brightest moment!

NEXT is my favourite corp ID, too, and NEXT silver has certainly upped their potential. How do you find your money situation? NEXT has a fantastic ability to protect against early runs, but rezzing all the ice will rip through your money.

I didn't find much use for successful demonstration: there is really only a limited window in which it is useful in the game. I personally went for beanstalk royalties; a certain +3 beats an occasional +5. I also swapped out Jackson Howard and Melanges for Ash and PCs. The melanges were just too fragile if someone managed to access them, and I never really had a use for Jackson Howard, even against indexing decks. It's so easy to end up with ICE 3 deep on a server that you don't really have to fear indexing runs. The occasional agenda dump from ABT didn't seem worth the effort of including him.

How's Lotus field working for you? And biotic labour? I found the latter too pricey, and haven't tried the former yet.

14 Aug 2014 esutter479

In my last version of this deck, money did tend to be a bit on the tight side a lot of the time. Anyone playing a Gorman Drip on me woulda cleaned up, lol.

Your point about Successful Demonstration is indeed true, and I have considered using Blue Level Clearance in its stead...but I fear if I overdraw, I may run the risk of entering an agenda clump (or even ICE clump, which would stall the game for me) too early to be able to recover from it. It's truly a pain in the ass figuring out the econ enigma that the ID, and the pace which you must play at, dictates. I even tried using Celebrity Gift at one point, lol.

I, being driven by the idea that Jackson Howard is like having a more free-spirited Wyldside, will more than likely keep my 3 of that in the deck, heh. It truly can be a savior of immense proportions at times. I'm pretty solid as far as my influence spending goes, at the moment...and I feel that I MUST keep at least 22 ICE in here if I'm going to somewhat consistently get the draws that I desire...even if they're not perfect. :)

Lotus Field is doing ok. I've only run into one Yog.0 so far since Upstalk launched, and the runner didn't have Dinosaurus, so I wasn't too worried. Biotic Labor used to be a 3'fer in here, until I decided to add the Green Levels. It's really a mid-late game card, and I wanted it to feel as such. I'm getting closer and closer by the week to the sort of deck (and flow) that I really want. I appreciate your feedback; keep it coming! :D

15 Aug 2014 Jashay

I would steer clear of blue level clearance if you aren't hurting for cards; money-wise, you are spending 2 clicks to get 3 credits.