[SG+SU21] Ayla "Bios" Rahim - The Magic Hat

Girometics 3463

Ayla adds an interesting spin to the Mulligan phase in that you can choose to use the cards set aside as an extra hand that you can pull cards out of at the time that you need them or remove cards from your deck that you think you don't need in your match up. For this reason, this decks features a big-rig set up with Atman, Echelon and Unity, while Marjanah and Buzzsaw are there to deal with low-strength barriers and code gates efficiently. The primary way of this deck to deal with big, scary ice like Brân 1.0, Archer and Pharos is to cheat out Femme Fatale with Test Run and Retrieval Run to circumvent the steep install cost. As this deck is rather slow, it also runs both Clot to slow down the corp and Professional Contacts to gather credits as you draw into your cards, which is why you want to get the latter down on the board as soon as you can. This is also why this list runs Smartware Distributor, since you can install it early where you can benefit from it the longest or install it later clicklessly using Pantograph, and if you find you don't have the clicks to stack the credits on them or need a burst of money, you can sell them in Aesop's Pawnshop for 3 credits.