5ccs of Hayley - 3rd place at Nordic Nationals

Circadia 2797

Cache. Casts. Codebusting. Contacts. Clone Chip. (for more Caches))

This evolved from 2 different decks. I was testing a Ken deck using Quest Completed to deal with RP, and a Hayley deck with prepaid Kate breakers that leveraged Aesops economy with Shaper tutoring to create huge install flexibility (mainly using Cache).

The idea is that so much of prepaid Kates influence is tied up in economy (Stimhack and Lucky Find) an alternative, cheaper influence suite would make way for some more useful events and programs. Hayley is a natural fit for this suite as it allows you to clonechip Cache (or SMC) to install from hand, then sell to Aesops to make a profit. No more Clot-in-hand annoyances!

Quest Completed is horrifically strong against three deck archetypes that I was seeing a lot of pre-nationals: Bootcamp Glacier, HB superfriends and, most importantly, RP. A few common comments are 1) "you won't have enough money to break all three servers!" and 2) "what about Caprice or Crisium?" to which I answer 1) RP can rez all its central ice if it wishes but if probably won't be in a position to defend the remote. Win win. 2) no one expects Quest Completed and they probably won't rez a Crisium. Also, RP players are more likely to bet 0 on central psi games because, again, they need money to defend their remote. I've stolen more Nisei's thanks to QC than I can count. Before you swear it off, try it. It wins games.

Yes, two different consoles. Grimoire is preferred, for extra MU, Cache money and insta-death for Next Silver and Komainu. If you really want MU Astrolabe will do. Plus it gives draws which gets you to Grimoire, then you can sell 'labe and upgrade!

The way to play is to build credits with your resources and set up your rig quickly using Hayley's ability to gain click efficiency. Contest remotes until they get too taxing and then rely on Vamp and QC to crack them open again. R&D interfaces allow you to continually contest R&D throughout regardless of events.

I'm in a minority who thinks net damage decks are Actually Good so Deus Ex was a must include. It saved my bacon against a Nisei division deck in the last round of the swiss. If you think you can do without, an Indexing is a great alternate include.

Tournament Performance

This deck went 5-1 in the Swiss and performed superbly all day. In order, I had a timed win against ETF rush, a full win against ETF rush, a win against NEH astrobiotics (clot threat for the win!), a win against RP (Vamp, same old Vamp and QC managed to steal all three Nisei's), loss to Butcher Shop (bit of a weakness for this deck) and a win against net damage Nisei division (only 3 psi games were played in the whole game, and I won all three!) I finished 8th, no strength of schedule required thanks to the timed win.

In the knockouts the deck beat Butcher Shop thanks to some epic R&D pulls, and a managed a timed tie in game 4 against the eventual winner (evilgaz's HB rush deck). I forgot to clone Chip for a Cache to get enough credits to steal the NAPD on the last turn of the game. Lesson is that the deck is fantastic, I just may not be its best pilot!

I'd like to dedicate my 3rd place finish to the jinteki.net player 78giraffes for telling me this deck is trash. Thanks for the support!

17 Aug 2015 Warpstoned

Hey Sam! I was the Butcher Shop/Noise player you faced in swiss and top cut.

I really liked this deck, both playing agianst it and watching you play others. While I can't decide if this decks raw power is higher or lower than traditional Kate builds, it brings a whole new level of unpredictability and burst. You kinda know what Kate does, even though she does it good :P

That said, I think the deck probably scales a lot more to the quality of the runner, as it is probably is harder to play.

Great to see your ideas on a Shaper deck and just going with it.

I really enjoyed all of our games. Best of luck in the future!

17 Aug 2015 ihmcallister

Well done on the win, great to see a Hayley deck placing so high.

I've been drifting my own Hayley deck towards something quite similar:


I'm not sure about adding ProCon and am thinking about Drug Dealer as an add along with putting in Diesel over Earthrise, the tempo swing money wise is too great. I quite like indexing as well as an anti net damage card but I will be trying out Quest Completed as well.