The Light Show

Snake Eyes 4657

Enjoy the Lightshow

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This deck is able to Fast Advance out Project Atlases using Trick of Light. Ideally you want to use this on Rezzed Space ICE like Nebula or Wormhole, but if you have the scoring window, there's no shame in hitting it off of a Firewall or an ICE Wall. Dedication Ceremony is a great econ card for either a.) beefing up your servers (eg. ICE Wall) or b.) cashing out a GRNDL Refinery. If you beef up some ICE, as an added benefit you can play Commercialization off of it for mass profits.

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Typically this deck only plays one remote, so with 16 ICE you should be able to tighten up this Titan. The 3x Space Camps are funzies cards that allow you to punish Temujin players by getting a benefit to them hitting Archives. Getting up to str 15 ICE Walls is a pretty common occurrence with this deck. Against Anarchs you should spread them out more or put a weaker barrier up front, just to avoid Getting D4 Knifed.

Archived Memories is a great card here, either to bring back Commercialization for some clutch money, or to bring back ToL to re-enable fast advance.

Over 50% winrate on Jnet competitive, which is nice for a non-kill Weyland.

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25 Sep 2016 lolpaca

Looks nice - have you tried Hollywood Renovation in the 3-pointer slot?