Fast Classical Studies

Diogene 4178

Classical Shaper deck. Not much in the ways of tricks. Lots of multiaccess, nice drip of creds, formidable rig.

This deck leverage the ID by using Hot Pursuit (gain 7 creds) and Maya (a bit of soft multiaccess). The ID also allow some form of protection versus NBN (Data Raven is popular).

Multiaccess comes in the form of Legwork and Maker's Eye. You also get multiaccess from Maya. When you find a strong operation (IPO, Punitive) or a strong ice (Tithonium for exemple), Maya will let you put it at the bottom of the deck. This will save you heaps of trouble.

Synthetic Blood is a counter for Jinteki and some Weyland grinds. Harmony AR will allow you to get back an additional multiaccess, draw, and econ cards. 1 Simulchip is there mainly to prevent the loss of Ika. Misdirection is the best counter for NBN and all those who use Hard Hitting News. It will save you clicks and creds (and troubles). Diesel will accelerate the deck.

The big changes, from the previous iteration, are the breaker : Paperclip for barrier, which is the best fracter in the game. And Study Guide for code gates. While it is true that Study Guide is expensive to "build up", it become the best code gate breaker afterward. This is where Armitage Codebusting become so good. It allow you to build up your creds fast and push Study Guide to the proper strenght. This will allow you to pass through any code gate with ease. To use Study Guide sooner, I added 2 Stimhack, which will allow you to get the proper breaker online for cheap and to increase the strenght of Study Guide for very cheap. As usual, it is also the best hail mary tool in the game.

On top of this, you have Ika for sentry. Usually, there is not many sentry ices. If the corp is not build on the horizontal, it can be worth it to have one less Rezeki to put 2 Ika in play, so that you do not need to move them (2 creds) everytime you push pass a second sentry. It will save you creds. Because while Ika is an excellent breaker, the "entry" cost of using it is 2 creds, if you switch it each time.

Creds comes from the usual (aside from Hot Pursuit) : Sure Gamble, Daily Cast, Prof.Co, Beth and Rezeki Stimhack and Armitage (that is 21 of 45 card).

This is a Jesminder deck. No rebirth needed here. There are too much cards that combo with the ID.
