
gumonshoe 2987

I don't know about this deck. It's interesting and weird and causes all sorts of bad decision making on both sides.

Housekeeping must be a 3 of because of the power of employee strike. It basically shuts you down if you don't have a response. It also makes the beginning of the game really hard to choose from because you need to choose to either slow their setup OR hold off on the taking down the strike.

What this does give you is the ability to keep things like siphon spam in check. Everything's cheap enough that you can play from 0 or close to it if you have to. DLR decks are sort of problematic, but housekeeping can slow their setup and remove a lot of their extraneous tricks.

Hunter seeker is an all star card, but power shutdown is what will seal the game most times. You want to set it up so that you have jackson or preemptive action in hand as you don't want to bleed agendas. GFI is to make sure that you can win off 3 agendas, but you'll always have several attempts at hunter seeker.

Enforcing loyalty is just tough to deal with. I haven't nailed the exact reason why it's happening, but runners tend to be poor against this deck. You want them there. Enforcing loyalty on neutral economy cards is a good play. Obviously you want to take out breakers, but if you can get their monetary resources low enough you can race too.

It's weird, I don't recommend taking this to a competitive event. I imagine it's also very little fun to play against even if you win, but it seems more fair than something like red-prison or lateral whatever.