Petit Poivron Jaune Frais

Diogene 4178

Fast and simple. This sweet little yellow deck is easy to maneuver and will not take you long to finish the game. This is a new iteration of an earlier version (

Poivron jaune

With 40 cards, the consistency is good. It was played extensively on stream ( with an earlier iteration. Here is the change : no more F2P and Turnpike.

Mulligan plan : you want one ice and one piece of econ in your hand. Never more than one agenda.

Why Jua? I wanted a cheap NBN ice. While Turnpike is very good, once the runner start to go "tag me", it become near useless, just like Data Raven. The extra tax from tag with SYNC: Everything, Everywhere is completely blank by this point. Jua solve a bit of this by taking cards off the board. Surveyor is just like always, very good and you normally place it on the scoring server.

Authenticator is pretty good here. If it get bypassed by taking a tag, it still cost the runner 3 credits to pay that tag. Otherwise, even the mighty Engolo pay 4 credits to break it. And it cost you only 2 credits.

If the runner float a tag, you get to exchange an agenda. Ideally, a 15 Minutes for a Bellona. Otherwise, you can win by using Scorched Earth. Note : don't always wait for the second Scorched Earth, just using one will cost the runner a lot of cards, which will help you.

13 cards bring credits and 3 agendas are credits neutrals if scored. About one card in three give you econ and one card in three is an ice. This should let you get on with the game pretty fast. While there is no fast advance in the deck, since you get your cards easily without having to spend multiple turns churning your deck, the game are pretty short, a bit less than 20 minutes.

There is no special trick in this deck. You score behind ice, this is netrunner 101.

9 Mar 2021 Jtfq99999

They can get MKUltra, unless AOYCR as usual

9 Mar 2021 Saan

Authenticator is a cool ICE, especially if you're not just trying to drain the runner's money for an HHN (in which case Slot Machine is probably still better). Although it begs the question: why not also have 1-2 HHN? Relying on the runner to just screw up and self-tag seems like something that should almost always fail vs good runners.

Also, as the previous poster mentioned, you can still install MKUltra vs Jua. Since on the runner's turn the runner's effects go first, their MKUltra trigger occurs before they're locked out of installing things by Jua. It's the same thing with SMC; they can just use SMC to install what they think they'll need for the run before the Jua text fires. It's still a useful ICE, but doesn't prevent installs as soon as it's rezzed.

9 Mar 2021 Diogene

Thanks for the correction. The text is corrected. Cheers!

9 Mar 2021 Diogene

@Saan You are correct about the passive tagging. With a 40 cards deck size (to make shorter games), I chose to use tags as a tax more than anything. Without Hunting Grounds, passing Data Raven will cost you the cost to break it (2c for Bukhgalter) and 3c (plus the click) to clear the tag, unless the runner has Citadel Sanctuary.

It is a pretty good tax and it slow down the runner.

You are correct in saying that a good runner will not accumulate tags. Or, as it sometime happen, depending on the runner deck, some players will go "tag me", in hope of finishing the game before I use the secondary strategy.

That secondary strategy being tag punishment. Ideally, exchanging a 15 Minutes or Quantum Predictive Model for a Bellona (or at worst for a Project Beale). Otherwise, Scorched Earth can possibly flatline the runner. But tag punishment is a secondary strategy and a way to mitigate any tag me behavior.

Considering a 40 cards deck size (we can't change that, because it would go against the purpose of the deck), what could be changed to make the deck better. Should the main game plan (scoring behind ice) be changed?

Thank you for your comments and ideas, they are much appreciated. Cheers!