So Long, And Thanks For The Coelacanth v.22.03

saracenus 1067

This deck is my third attempt to adapt the amazing work that afishisborn put into his SC Champion deck Goodbye to You. Card Kingdom Store Championship 1st Place.

I pulled out Battering Ram for Escher. This is an insurance policy against a big ice deck that manages to ABT me. Or, if someone stacks 3 Pop-Ups on R&D. I used it twice and each time it was clutch. Otherwise this deck ran just as hard as my previous versions.

This version of the deck has not lost, yet. Unfortunately, I didn't get to test in the fire of our last Store Championship because I was the TO and an even number of players showed up. I will say the last two games I played with it I cruised to victory with only 2 Au Revoirs out. The last against a nasty Midseasons NBN deck with great econ.

Some play notes:

  • Get out 2 Au Revoir ASAP. Unless you can pull a 3rd one and Snitch at the same time (Self-modifying Code + Clone Chip being the usual route), stay at two until they close off their servers (pull out Snitch) or start going horizontal without ice on the remotes (pull out 3rd Au Revoir). This way you can still make money if they close off the remotes. Remember with Dino and the efficient breakers of this build you can still out pace the Corp with only 2 Au Revoirs out.

  • Let's talk about Dinosaurus. Your standard play is to put Femme Fatale on it unless your scouting with Snitch tells you that Yogasaurus is the way to go or if you are up against a heavy barrier centric deck then put Corroder on it. The money you will save from pumping Fem by 2 str will amaze you. Generally unless their ice is super strength variable, Atman will get you through the worst of it at Str 4 or 5. I put it a 6 once for 3 Archers in play game...

  • Be careful in an NBN heavy meta about loading up your Personal Workshops if they have a chance to score a breaking news with clicks left, it will be painful unless you got the funds to pull everything off. This is why I ditched Rachel Beckman, she was just too vulnerable to Tags in my meta/

  • "I click for 12 credits" is the most demoralizing thing a Runner will ever hear when you just dug 3 cards in R&D last round and have a full rig and then some out. There isn't a single Corp deck that can keep pace with you.

  • If they give you bad pub, thank them for the free money paying down your stuff on PW. One player gave me 3 bad pub in a single turn and I emptied 2 full PWs in one turn.

Things I might change... I really feel that HQ multi-access is the weakness of this deck. One solution is get rid of #Corroder for either #Snowball or Battering Ram and put in a single #Legwork in place of Escher.

Until the San-San cycle puts some tools in the Corp's hand that will make jacking out impossible or painful (they are coming) this deck is very strong.

I hope you like it.

31 Mar 2015 NicoleyMoley

How does it fare against fast decks like NEH? I tried this Au Revoir CT for a while and loved it but unfortunately found it crapped out against anything faster than glacier, because after ditching most of the SMCs and clone chips for the ARs and Snitch I found it really difficult to get my rig out in time to pressure the super fast Corps?

31 Mar 2015 johnnycreations

Great deck, my man! You might want to test extensively against rush decks. A couple Test Runs might do you well to ensure quick rig building.

1 Apr 2015 saracenus

'@NicoleyMoley' Fast decks will require some canny play on your part.

One important lesson you need to learn with this kind of deck (one that people who played Noiseshop back in the stone age of ANR had to learn), don't get distracted building your perfect machine.

You need to build just enough to keep things going and prevent a mid-game stall but stop short of a full build which a FA or Rush deck will crush.

Every deck has a weakness and Au Revoir/Snitch decks in their current configuration are weak against early Corp aggression if they don't balance putting their tools together with keeping the corp honest buy running.

This is why I don't go for the full 3 Au Revoirs by turn 3. Depending on my card draw I will delay putting out my Au Revoirs as late as turn 6.

Beyond that, specific tactical and strategic play is dependent on board state and my card draw (which, if I have Quality Time and/Diesel in hand I will not use SMCs and clone chips to bring out Au Revoir/Snitch until I exhaust my draw options).

1 Apr 2015 NicoleyMoley

@saracenus I did follow that strategy myself but I still found the only match ups I could keep up with were glaciers (and indeed you have the ability to stomp all over glaciers with this build). I switched to PPVP Kate for my last tournament and found it much more reliable against all match ups, but the Au Revoir deck is tons of fun so I'm glad you're getting it to work for you!