Latex - A pre Parhelion experiment

Bridgeman 2571

AKA Wasteful lat :D

This was an idea that was showing a bit of promise before UK nats.

Essentially it is a shaper list which replaces the drip from rezeki with the improved drip from wasteland.

Downsides are we are expending important influence and we have increased setup time. In effect this means we struggle against sports because we are a bit slower and we are not running clot. My PE list might be an issue for this as well just like it was for reavershop WU.

However this deck absolutely obliterates R+ with the combination of insane drip, misdirection and NFL to protect us from tags. And we have overall decent to good matchups :)

I love how the deck manages to turn all tech cards into things that are just part of the engine :D Hunting grounds stops Loki and funhouse, but also can pop to trigger wasteland and give fodder for our boi Aesop. NFL with wasteland in play becomes as good or better than a sure gamble at its worst.

Part of me wanted to bring this to UK nats for the novelty, but regrettably I went with the more tested "boring" options :D

I thought I´d share this as a nice little piece of history about an experiment from the short lived post banlist meta :)

13 Dec 2022 Baa Ram Wu

Love it!

Do you recon there’s a World tree version of this out there with the current card pool?

13 Dec 2022 Bridgeman

Thanks :D

Possibly, but I dont really see it because both aesop and world tree trash on your turn so there is not much added synergy and the tree doesnt fit in the final rig.