Ultimate Reality

CommissarFeesh 410

So, this was inspired by a friend of mine who submitted the idea of using Brahman and 0-cost, 0- programs like Harbinger or Pawn to our group 'Jank Tank'. As it turns out, the deck's actually pretty good! You can see his version in the 'derived from' section.

Ideally you want Technical Writers and Scheherazade installed ASAP. Don't be afraid to fire SMC for Scheherazade. You will be cycling through programs like fun with Brahman; this and Tech Writers are your primary income.

Chameleon fixes your Swordsman problem, and D4v1d can be endlessly recycled for both Turing and any large ICE. Turing on a central can be Parasited or Chameleoned as necessary. Film Critic is there for Future Perfect or other avoiding Midseasons/Punitive. SacCon can keep your Clot up through a CVS purge.

Typical Shaper nonsense ensues with SMC, Fan Site and Artist Colony - these can allow you to reinstall cards that you already used for Brahman mid-run if you have a particularly deep server to bust open.

Other than that, do the norm - lock down R&D, remote snipe, and occasionally spend The Turning Wheel counters for multi-access on HQ.

I am tempted to find a cut for a LARLA as games going long causes problems. Open to suggestions on what to lose for the slot (and possibly a second for Same Old Thing).

19 Jun 2016 Shiiuga

Have you considered putting a one of Oracle May in here? Perhaps instead of the turning wheel? Might as well make even more dough if you have to keep drawing the stuff.

As for drops I'd say cut the patron and one sac con.

19 Jun 2016 CommissarFeesh

@Shiiuga - I could see the argument for May, certainly. I do like the efficiency of Patron though, either as card draw to get combo pieces if it comes early, or as a fast way to redraw programs fed to Brahman on a deeper server (it's been really useful in early tests).

If I do make the switch to May then Patron would definitely be the right cut for Levy. As it stands I can see the wisdom of going down to 1x SacCon to get a Levy in there. Then it's the tough choice of what to chop for a Same old Thing.