No PPVP for Kate

Dane_Bramage 9

This is a list I built for an upcoming game night with special rules.

Your decks can only include cards from the core set, any deluxe expansion, and only cards from these data cycles: San San, Mumbad, and Flashpoint.

Would like some help with it while I am still fairly new to deck building.

I know it is a slow going deck..but I think I have plenty of tutors for getting my rig up an running early-mid to mid game...with a good economy.

22 Jul 2016 shanodin

So, I understand that no-one likes negativity but if you only ask for positive comments you'll never improve as a deck builder.

22 Jul 2016 Dane_Bramage

Message rec'd @shanodin, edited the comments to reflect the change. Please comment away...

22 Jul 2016 Pinkwarrior

@Dane_Bramage Well first off i have to point out you have 4 spare influence so id want to use that if i were you even if its just a couple of Legwork for some HQ pressure.

I like the Magnum Opus for an econ that can't be easily trashed seems like a good idea with D&D in the mix. But since your rig doesn't take up MU id want to capitalise on that rather than using Data Folding it seems to me to be holding you back as your having to run GS Striker M1 over Gordian Blade and can't run more Multithreader's / Datasucker which save alot of money with Sunny's breakers.

22 Jul 2016 Dane_Bramage

@Pinkwarrior - I like the way you're does make more sense.

So I have made the following changes:

-3 Data Folding

+1 Legwork

+2 Datasucker

This way, as you said, gives some pressure to HQ and gives me more "ammo" to use with the cloud suite.


22 Jul 2016 Raiddinn

I would change out the Toolbox for a different console. It's very expensive. Something like Astrolabe is good and 1 cost instead of 9.

I would also think about leaning more heavily on Professional Contacts and dropping Magnum Opus. Either -1 or -2 MOs and either +1 ProCon or +1 SMC or both.

If you did without the MOs, the 2 MUs from Toolbox would be less important. You might also think about using 2x Forger or 2x Reflection along with considering Astrolabe from above. Those both have 1 link and that helps keep GlobalSec breakers online.

I like Corroder over GS barrier breaker as well. I would make that straight swap if it was me. Same for using Zu.13 Keymaster instead of GS code gate breaker.

As PinkWarrior said also, you may want to try to squeeze in something that will make the corporation rethink leaving HQ too open. Some turning wheels or some Legworks maybe.

22 Jul 2016 Pinkwarrior

@Dane_Bramage yeah i think that will work better

@Raiddinn he can't use Astrolabe it's in up & over.

22 Jul 2016 Dane_Bramage

@Raiddinn - Don't get me wrong, I like some of your suggestions, but I don't think your read my description. This deck is for a Game Night Kit with restrictions. I can not use cards from the following data cycles: Genesis, Spin, or Lunar.

So trading out The Toolbox for Astrolabe, or Forger is not an option. Neither is replacing GS Striker M1 for ZU.13 Key Master.

I do like the idea of adding The Turning Wheel to the list...I just need to figure out where to cut.

I know that The Toolbox is an expensive console, but it does help with the being able to have two Multithreader's in play along with the Magnum Opus...this way I have 6 reusable credits for icebreakers, and continue to get money from Mopus.