There's Voices Outside

Roanock 10

This deck abandons any pathetic notion of being Good or Winning or Competitive and focuses souly on the core reason to play Jinteki: To play endless, sadistic, mind games with the runner where their fancy high tech ICE breakers don't count for shit. Where they're welcome to come and have a look at any card they want as long as they pay the price. Where they're welcome to trash any card they find because who cares, that card wasn't important, I didn't even want it anyway, in fact I think I preffer that card in archives, or perhaps I'll just put that back into RnD and we'll play with it all again (JH or MoH).

Ok, so I allowed this to become bloated as hell. But the good news is that it's not getting decked out any time soon. Which is good, cause RnD is exposed, as is every other server.

So, yeah, some cards need to be fed to archives. Preferably face down. Feed in Breached Dome, Shock, Space Camp, Shi.Kyu. This'll make Archives spicy and will hurt the Runner whenever they try to flip all the cards you're tossing to archives (Industrial Genomics is the nut kick that keeps kicking if the runner doesn't clear archives)

Other than that, go wild. There's no actual strategy to this deck. It's just a fuck load of asset spam using every dirty trick (Except for ICE) that Jinteki can offer with some Weyland dirt thrown in there.

You will be starved for economy though, so Rest In Poverty and make sure you can pay for traps when the time is right (Runner ends their turn with one card in their hand? Rez those Bio-Ethics Associations, etc)

WARNING This deck, or at least a version of it with just 63 cards, was designed and used to inflict psychological warfare on the runner. It's only legal in no holds barred casual play. My friends won't let me play Jinteki any more.