Kit RD rush Update - Escher in!

x3r0h0ur 8956

Compare this to Kit RD rush. I've stuck in 2 eschers, mostly to be sure you get it rather than losing it to damage, and to get it sooner.

I've added pro contacts (and 3 of them!) to facilitate draw and fuel the super cheap breaks. I've removed sure gambles for daily casts and escher, since it feels redundant in mopus decks for me. Casts however, will save you clicks, which you can now use to dig AND gain money.

I have addressed those MU issues people were complaining about with the best possible method, akamatsus. Sure omnidrive is up for discussion, but I feel like 3 is too much for it, and it'll take a lot longer to catch up to the opportunity cost of 3 and 1 click (which is worth 2c with mopus out, or 1c and 1 card with contacts).

Let me know what you think of the changes.
19 Nov 2013 HepatitvsJ

I think this is a solid build. It will need play testing of course but I see swordsman being a killer. I like mimic since there are so many sentry ice with 3 or less str its a great first turn drop and pressure corp breaker. Possibly -1 femme fatale +1 mimic or -2 makers eye for +1 test run, +1 scavenge to make sure you can get your femme. I know you like your R&D access so I would go with the first option. :)

19 Nov 2013 x3r0h0ur

Clone Chip parasite should cover swordsman. I'd rather add wrym TBH, but i think it works as is.

19 Nov 2013 HepatitvsJ

Oh yeah. I remember you saying something in the other list. You're right. I've got my skates workshop and a Gabe deck I want to playtest but I'll try this too if I get a chance. I've been wanting to run kit ever since she dropped. Thanks.

19 Nov 2013 HepatitvsJ

Oh. I also wanted to mention dyson men chip over akamatsu. The DMC is more expensive initially but the link pays for itself IMO. I don't know your meta but the first time you hit a Caduceus, or viper it pays for the extra 2 cost. Draco, Ichi, Viktor 2.0, etc take longer to pay but I think the link is really worth the extra cost. Just my 2c. Thanks.

19 Nov 2013 Karselleristen

I'd be reluctant to include both Magnus Opus and Professional Contacts in the same list, especially in an aggressive deck, as both take a while before they break even.

Contacts and economy events or Magnus Opus and draw events.

So if this was my deck I'd probably swap the two Opus' for Sure Gamble/Daily Casts and maybe a Memory Chip aswell.

19 Nov 2013 x3r0h0ur

I agree that they compete with each other for clicks, but this deck is about 1 good run per turn, essentially an R&D lock (since kits ability triggers 1 time per turn). So in the 2-3 turns leading up to and 1 or 2 after the run, you need to be able to prepare in whatever way you need, be it digging for answers, or getting cash. They don't have to be efficient in making up for themselves quickly, they need to provide their utility in the moment. You don't even have to install mopus either, if you can position the ice such that clicking for credits covers it, mopus is just a backup plan, like having a deus X in your deck, its there if the game goes on and on.

DMC is decent, but I think the money is too light to spare 3 credits, when you should be breaking trace ice. Literally the only use for link in this deck is midseasons/sea source. You should almost never be facing a trace basically.

19 Nov 2013 Treiclon

HAH! If only you could now add a single demolition run, with both R&DI and medium you could practically destroy half his deck (or at least quarter of it). But that might be too much and feels completely out of place in this concept. Something I don't like much: 3 PC. I'd get rid of one and add a single Modded. Or maybe an Inside man, yes. With so many expensive hardware you're hurting your econ a lot. The inside man is usually not much profiteable since many decks don't use much hardware, but I think you can go with it.

22 Nov 2013 kollapse

I really like this deck, and after having tried it out three-four times I haven't lost yet. I am however having trouble getting credits early game. I never seem to draw mopus until later, and the Professional Contacts is quite slow. Am I just being unlucky? I'm not that experienced a player, maybe I am just used to the 3x Sure Gamble + Desperado in my Criminal deck.

22 Nov 2013 x3r0h0ur

kollapse - if you're having early money problems you may need to change the casts to sure gambles. Those are better to find early especially to help you play out mopus or contacts. I like casts better because I draw super heavy with contacts, and I need the clicks to find the pieces. If you find that tinkering doesn't see use, you can replace each tinkering with a daily casts to help boost it up too.

Try out: -1 atman -1 casts -2 mopus -1 akamatsu memchip +3 sure gamble +2 armitage codebusting

22 Nov 2013 kollapse

Tinkering hasn't seen use yet, but that may be to the fact that Escher has done wonders for me - and my gaming group has yet to adapt. I will probably need it going forward, but I might try your last suggestion out. I actually like casts as well, I may just have to learn this deck a bit more. It is, all things considered, a blast to play.

2 Dec 2013 x3r0h0ur

hey guys it just hit me that its probably better to remove pro contacts, and add 3 Same old thing. for scavenge,test run, and most importantly, tinkering. sure its a lot of clicks, but you really can only run 1 time per turn anyway. really hurts the draw power...would like to add qt or diesel....

11 Dec 2013 AsteriskCGY

Why not Levy?

13 Dec 2013 kollapse

@AsteriskCGY I actually tried Levy out a couple of times. The first time it worked wonders, as I got everything I needed back. The second time thoughI didn't end up getting the card draws I wanted, which made Levy just fill up my stack with non-essential cards I had trashed before. Don't know what to think of it yet.

@3r0h0ur, I don't know, ProCon has been my MVP with this deck a couple of times. Getting to play the events again would we fantastic of course, but I really can't see sacrificing ProCon for that.

13 Feb 2014 Watzlav

I played some games with this deck and there are things that were bugging me so much I had to write it down.

I think that ProCon's are really poor and out of place in this deck. Since this deck is supposed to win before the Corp knows it, it makes no sense to make this kind of sacrifice to a long term, especially when there are no economy events that could pay back the investment quickly.

I mean there's no place for an economy card (Daily Casts) that makes you poorer for entire two turns. Not in a RUSH deck. I would even consider swapping MOpus for Armitage. It's cheaper, but you can't tutor for it. Tough decision.

What would your perfect scenario for first turn look like?

Mine would go like this, I guess:

  1. Modded out Dinosaurus
  2. Test Run Yog.0
  3. Scavenge
  4. Successful Run!

Just two cents that I put in in an effort to make this deck even better.

14 Feb 2014 x3r0h0ur

This deck runs for free/1-2 credits, procon is fine. As of this date if I were to ever play this again, lock pick, and more daily casts.