Sea Mines [STARTUP]

Diogene 4178

A fun shell game deck, but not grinding like PE. Putting naked unrezzed cards on the board and watching the player think hard... Fun times.


Mulligan plan : maximum one agenda in hand and you ideally want a card that give credits in hand.

Game plan : score out by using the shell game and force the runner to take Core Damages.

The way to give a Core Damage is through Distributed Tracing with Hypoxia. If the runner float a tag (after a Snare!), you can also do a Core Damage. End of the Line is there to get a way to win by flatlining the runner, especially after a Snare!.

You protect yourself using Tithe, a pretty annoying cheap ice and by regulating your hand with Spin Doctor and Sprint. Mr. Hendrik is there to slow down the runner and potentially to give a Core Damage.

I've tried to use Biotic Labor, but it was not reliable enough. Also, it made me too poor to trigger Snare!. I've also tried Seamless Launch, but since all the agenda can be scored without it, it became kind of useless. Finally I tried to use Chekist Scion, but I finally favored End of the Line, since it wins me games, while Chekist Scion only allow me to maybe use Hypoxia.

If the runner check everything, putting a Snare! on the board might be worth it, but otherwise it is just better to keep it in hand.

Initially, I played a Jinteki: Personal Evolution but found that I also enjoyed the same shell game type of deck in Thule Subsea: Safety Below.

Playing this deck is fun, I hope you'll enjoy it also. Cheers!

23 Mar 2023 binhamin

Fun deck! I took this to a meetup yesterday with a few changes: -1 Regolith; -1 Tithe; -1 Planogram; + 1 Gaslight; +2 Eli 1.0. I though Gaslight added an extra shell asset they could fetch key operations, and Eli would help make centrals a bit more taxing and maybe force a second breaker install.

24 Mar 2023 Diogene

@binhamin those are great ideas. I'll test it out. Maybe I'll replace one Eli 1.0 by Magnet or Whitespace, to force the runner to install every possible breaker. I'll try those changes for sure.

Thanks for sharing!