The Killer Wizzard - 2015 Atlanta Regional 5th Place

Chris_Yang 325

The basic idea is break strength 3 or lower ICE with Mimic, Yog.0, and Corroder. Atman set at 4. Using D4v1d to deal with the rest. I use Datasucker to support Atman to break higher strength Ice. Also, Datasucker and Parasite are best friends, so I add Parasite and recursion into the list. I think the Cyberfeeder is the star in this deck because I want to run a lot when rig is set up. Having all 3 Cyberfeeder out let me install Parasite cheaply, and it also can used to break ICE and install Medium.

Big Medium dig won me a lot of game. I either Parasite the Ice of use Atman 4 to break into R&D easily. In 6 Swiss Rounds I won 5 games. The only lost in Swiss Rounds is to Zach, The Champion of the day. And then I lost to him again in double elimination.

Overall, I love this build. Once set up I can walk into everywhere. The problem is the card draw. Might put some Earthrise Hotel in.

13 May 2015 D4KEN

Why not Vigil instead of Grimoire? If corp holds maximum handsize you get a free draw every turn.

13 May 2015 PaxCecilia

@D4KEN I see people recommend this all of the time, but if you don't have cards in your deck to punish the corp maintaining a handsize of 4 (Legwork, Nerve Agent, Wanton Destruction) then you are just getting 1 MU for 2c. Grimoire is 1 more MU for 1 more credit, and also gives your viruses a token when played. In this decklist, I think Grimoire overall makes way more sense.

13 May 2015 DrunkenGineer

Why 2 Atman 1 SMC instead of the other way around? I think going up to 2 SMC will increase your consistency, and you can always tutor your Atman if you need to. Or, put another way, an early Atman + Clone Chip gives you an Atman. An early SMC + Clone Chip gives you any two programs you want, including the Atman if needed.

13 May 2015 D4KEN

@PaxCecilia I thought about Vigil in case of card draw, because @Chris_Yang mentioned this. But you are right, Grimoire seems for this deck more suitetable.

13 May 2015 Andannius

I know you probably want to use the Clone Chips for Parasite recursion, but if you have three of them AND 2x Déjà Vu, I'd think Inject for card draw would be optimal. I'm strongly considering testing a similar built for upcoming regionals - maybe -1 Plascrete Carapace, -1 MemStrips, +2 Inject?

13 May 2015 UminWolf

@Andannius: I definitely support dropping a MemStrips for some card draw. With Grimoire, you really only need 1 MemStrips in my opinion.

I also personally think that with 3 IHW, you probably don't need any Plascrete Carapace, that you could use to make up the other 2 Inject.

@DrunkenGineer: I also fully support this decision

13 May 2015 GentlemanGamer

@andannius The argument against inject in Reina also applies here. Since your goal isn't to get a copy of each program, but rather to get as many copies of datasucker David and parasite as possible, I feel inject taxes recursion which would rather be spent being parasites 4+. ymmv

13 May 2015 GentlemanGamer

@drunkengineer The option to drop an additional atman at 0 if you see datasucker early is really nice.

13 May 2015 UminWolf

@GentlemanGamer: Fair enough; Inject does force you to use your recursion when you only gained a credit instead of using the card outright the first time.

Earthrise Hotel it is! :)

14 May 2015 Chris_Yang

Thanks for all comments. The reason I put 2 MemStrips is simply I want it early. 3 Datasucker and 1 Parasite take 4 MU, which is huge. My program might chock up if I can't find Memstrips early enough, but I will try to the suggestion. I never install 2 of them. 2 Plascrete Carapace is specially for Butcher Shop NEH. I once play against my friend. I installed double Plascrete Carapace after he midseason me. That's save my life because he also run Reclamation Order. With Butcher Shop NEH on the field, I think I want to keep 2 Plascrete Carapace.

Want to test - 1 Memstrips, - 2 Symmetrical Visage, +2 Earthrise Hotel.

17 May 2015 b4ralai

What about ice Carver? It Will put a lot of ice in yog/mimic/corroder range saving you a lot of data and David tokens.

17 May 2015 Chris_Yang

In that's case, I still need Atman at 4 for Lotus Field. Eli 1.0 dropping to 3 will increase the breaking cost by 1. Ice Carver could do some work, but I really don't know if it's worth the card slot. Thank you for the idea.

21 May 2015 dodgepong

If anyone wants to see this deck in action, here's a video of Chris playing this at the Atlanta Regionals:

26 May 2015 sruman

Testing out a variant of this deck ( great list by the way ). Two thoughts I wouldn't mind getting your input on:

  • Did you consider Liberated Accounts over Armitage? It can be awkward to get out, but can ramp you up on credits quicker (4 clicks vs. 6) and nets more money over all per click.

  • Chrome City will be out soon. What are your thoughts on net-ready eyes instead of the atman? I see pros and cons and net-ready eyes (NRE) over atman as a solution to lotus problem: - (NRE) pros: uses no memory making it easier to drop 1 mem strips, less resources to install ( 2 cards vs. 7 credits for atman at 4 ), less influence (4 vs. 7), makes sense to install both if find them ( you could install 2 atmans, but unlikely due to cost and memory ) - (NRE) cons: atman can be used for various ice at strength 4 not just lotus -- eli, ichi, etc. -- which can save a sucker token and, possibly, skip the need to install a specific breaker if 4+ strength is the only ice of that type.


26 May 2015 Chris_Yang

Last version I use The Supplier and Liberated Account. After I switched The Supplier to Clone Chip, I found I had huge problem to install Liberated Account. So I choose Armitage Codebusting over Liberated Account.

I think Net-Ready Eyes is great addition to the deck, but not sure choose it over Atman. A server with Ichi 1.0 and Lotus Field would be painful. I haven't played Net-Ready Eyes. It need more test.

Btw, I switched an Atman to another Self-modifying Code and they worked great.

26 May 2015 sruman

I was thinking of the SMC switch myself but hesitated since 2 games led to awkward situation where I had install 2 breakers and a datsucker which had built up a few sucker tokens without having found mem strips or grimoire yet. Then the SMC came and I was stuck trashing the sucker (and it's hard-earned tokens :) or just to keep digging for memory or the 3rd breaker. But maybe that's a rarer situation than getting 1 of 2 SMCs while having 2 mem to use it to fetch breaker. The NRE switch would free up influence for a special order which might open up a few deck slot options by going to 1 medium (or maybe even a breaker(s) down to 1-of). Actually, on that topic, it's definitely not as flexible as an SMC ( any program, on the run), but did you ever test with special orders over SMCs ?

26 May 2015 Chris_Yang

I didn't test Special Order. SMC is so useful in this deck that is hard to replace. Parasite, Datasucker, Medium, and D4v1d are not the target for Special Order. All of them are the programs you want to fetch.

I found that having 2 to 3 Datasucker on the table is better than having all three types of ice breakers. Just don't install Yog.0 and Corroder if you don't need them yet. Install Datasucker and use Parasite to destroy the ice.

28 May 2015 cranked

I really like the look of this deck! I've been a big Whizzard fan for a while, and it's great to see him doing well.

Like the others in the comments, I think Net-Ready Eyes could be really great here. Not sure if cutting Clone Chips is correct, but I really like the 1x Atman/2x Self-modifying Code plan that you said you're on now.

As far as tutoring for viruses, have you considered Djinn? It could possibly replace MemStrips while also acting as a tutor for key utility viruses like Parasite, Datasucker, and Medium.

28 May 2015 Chris_Yang

Using Djinn has some downside. It only net 2 MU. It can't tutor breakers and D4v1d. Djinn must install before the viruses. It can't host Parasite. And can't install Parasite in the run. But I think Djinn could replace SMC and MemStrips for Net-Ready Eyes.

28 May 2015 cranked

Oh, I actually really Djinn alongside SMC just as an MU fixer that also doubles as a poor man's tutor when you can't find your viruses.

That being said, I think I'm going to start theorycrafting with a version that drops the 2x SMC to play 2x Net-Ready Eyes and 1x Special Order, and switching Symmetrical Visage to Earthrise Hotel for card draw. It could very well be terrible, but it's worth a shot.

28 May 2015 cranked

The other alternative is to play Wyldside and Adjusted Chronotype to cover all of our card draw. As much as I like that plan, I'd have no idea what to cut to play it, as I assume we'd want 2 of each at least.