single core

notrocketscience 19

new players love advancable traps right?

2 Nov 2015 itsbigfoot

cut the subcontract, snares and hunter for shadow, sansan, melange and another ichi.

2 Nov 2015 notrocketscience

This is mostly a teaching deck, and I think SanSan will be a bit hard to pull off given how broke core decks are and the fact that there are only 3 3/2s in the deck. It's also only going to be facing single core runner decks, so given that everyone is running Yog.0, the low strength code gates are getting sold off as soon as that hits the table.

I might swap a beanstalk or an ice wall for another Closed Accounts to get more value out of hunter, but using tags to trash resources seems good enough.

Snare! is not going anywhere that card is the core set champ.