Cranked MaxX

x3r0h0ur 8956

Greetings and salutations deck list explorer! I would like to share with you a deck that I've spent a fair amount of my leisure time experimenting with. This is MaxX Cranked to 11!

In the course of testing, I've created a great deal of enjoyment for myself and my opponents, as well as a good measure of success throughout testing. I hope that in sharing this list with the wonderful denizens of NetrunnerDB, and inevitably the gods in the pantheon of stimslack mountain, that we might reach a greater refinement inconstruction of this masterpiece.

The concept of this deck is simple eeerrt intends to generate a click advantage for the runner, which over time overwhelms the corp, while enabling the runner to have access to several tools to help close out and lock down the game. IIiiiiiiiiiit includes lots of my favorite cards and concepts (stimhack, hand size increase, opus, and sudden multiaccess), and some of the newer cards from Terminal Directive that improve the deck considerably (looking at you Dean!).

Overall the idea is to get down stim dealerrrrrrrr and then Duggar's. You then use Duggar's to dig deep and find the 1 or 2 of componennnnnnnnts. Brain chip to offset the damage you'll be taking over the course of the game. Opus to establish an econ advantage (putting to use all the extra clicks!). As well as Severnius Stim implant, the decks closer and real threat. All the while, if draw is kind, wracking up damage on clan vengeance or two to lock out HQ, or keep it low so severnius gets you access to their whole gririiiiipppp.

Card choyses:

Amped up: This card can be used to bang on opus, use duggars with hanging clicks left over to do stuff (even knocking heap breakers out of hand, which you wunt). It, in conjunction with a pair of stim dealers enables big turns of double duggar's for big severnius digs on RandDee.

Deja vu: Pulls cards milled by maxx, and works as an effective tutor. Save 1 of these or SoT for your Levys!

Independant thunking: This is to turn off braindealer, and to enable a few more cards for you severnius digs. This could be femme, employee strike (for skorp) or a few other choices. A bit of a flex slot.

Levy AR Lab aksess: U'll be going thru you're deck a lot

Mad Dash: Use this along with Clan vengeance to get points on the board to feed brain chip.

Hacktivist: Decent Countercurrent, can work to keep HQ easy to see all of it with SSI

Rebirth: Why spend 6 influence on rumor mills to clear caprice off HQ to vamp, when you can use omar? Also it helps shut off Maxx in damage matchuuuuuuuups, letting you become any other great anarch...that isn't Noise.

Stamherk: This helps hold remotes in check, and deal damage to urself. Keep it on SoT.

Gamble: Setup money

Brain cage: Increased handsize, self harm for clan vengeance

Brain chip: Keeps your hand size up, while giving you MU for your breakers, and origami

Severnius stim Implant (SSI): used with duggars to get deep digs, or swiping at HQ. After the sekond levy, you should have stim dealers down. Paired with 2 amped up, you can double duggar's for a massive RnD dig, or a medium RnD dig and a full HQ grab. Feeds the heap too!

Clan vengece, Good to control HQ, shuts out combos and can easily score you points if you lock the remotessSsszzzz' PROBBALY SHOULD BTHREE of these

DEAN LISTer: A great NnnnNNnnnewww card that keeps expensive breakers cheep.

Duggar's* You're draw CARD that FEEDS YOUR HEEP and tutors youE much needed ONE OFs.


StimDealer& Your click advantege creater, works gud with duggar's, opus, and AMPED UP


AAAAAghora: Can be used if the dumb dumb corp ark lockdwon your cerds

Conspiracy breakers: Discsard when over handsize, stimhack to get out, bulk behind with opusssssssssSSSSS

MagnermErpus: Card give money, use for ALL THINGS retreive run, deja, DO WHAT IT TAKE TO GET IT DOWN

Origami: It fixes your brain so you can keep working for a little while longer, and compress your work even more, using amped up liberally. Free to install is nice after a duggar's and is decent early game hand expansion. You can even retrieval run for it in a pinch.

ANYWAY DATS IT, jusst posting because deck has BEEN SO MUCH FUN to play and can ween so MANY ggaaaaemmmmmmssssss

Possible SUbstitute teachers:

Populist rally: this is one of the tech slots and could be hacktivist, guvernment investigations, or even vamp. This is good vs palana since all agendas require an advenment, it buys you another turn, and duggar's meats its requirement.

Wanton: MakeSuretheydon't havea HAndeever


29 Apr 2017 Pinkwarrior

More decks need Brain Cage. Till recently i have been using it in The Professor: Keeper of Knowledge with Faust & Game day. Nice to see it out the box and the different approach for use.

29 Apr 2017 Gargulec

MaxX is not straight edge.

30 Apr 2017 cranked

I'm cranked, and I approve this decklist.

30 Apr 2017 x3r0h0ur

This deck is taking down a regional.

30 Apr 2017 m3lonoscopy


2 May 2017 Sarmatian

Love the Independent Thinking over like a Chop Bot 3000 or something. Panic button plus draw. Also, you mentioned potential double Duggar's turns for some crazy deep dig. Have you run into getting all your pieces set up but not having enough cards left in your deck to pull that off? In other words, how often is timing an issue?

2 May 2017 x3r0h0ur

@Sarmatian For the double duggars turn, it definitely goes better when you rebirth after your first levy at some point, since so many cards are usually installed. The more I play this list the quicker I've found I can realize the mega dig turn. Testing has also shown Clan Vengence and implant on HQ is high value, which shortens the game....usually requiring 1 RnD dig to close out the game. Timing really is up to playtesting, but definitely rebirthing helps time it better. We'll see tonight I guess.

30 May 2017 aero

Was wracking my brain to figure out what your writing reminded me of.


From Animorphs.