MaxX Munchies

Infinitum 1

Full disclosure: I'm a complete beginner to Netrunner. Never played a game, competitive or otherwise. Don't have any clubs in my area, and due to the wonders of rural internet and real life time constraints I'm not set to play around using OCTGN until well into january.

I do like tinkering though, so figured I want my own brew from the outset (accept no substitutes etc). Seeing as I can't be bothered to learn the ins and outs of the Corporate ICE composition metagame I figured an Eater suite will do as well as anything, browsing Stimhack the CT/OM/PN deck of DJHedgehog it seemed powerful and straightforward, and MaxX is a shiny enough new toy to satisfy my Johnny tendencies.

SO: basic gameplan is to use conventional card draw, recursion and powernap-fueled economy to set up my rig, feed whatever free access agendas I get to FJ, LARLA to reset my now empty deck and proceed to scry my deck to my heart's content using OM whilst simultaneously milling by Keyhole multiaccess and wrecking ICE with spork events and P/DS recursion. Given the ridiculous amount of recursive economy it has when fully set up (Frame Job, Scrubbed, Spinal Modem, fully powered OM..), liberal application of card draw and overall economic pressure through ICE destruction and Vamped there shouldn't be much the corp could do at that point. Or so the theory goes.

Any obvious flaws to this plan? Like will FA just laugh behind a 1 ICE remote and score out whilst I set up? Do I run enough economy? I'm well aware that this isn't by no means tier 1 (and probably not even all that original) but could really do with some pointers before I dive in. Thank you.

23 Dec 2014 BayushiOliveira

I do believe you run only one copy of a lot of important cards (Keyhole, Oracle May, Forked/Knifed/Spooned) and that is a very bad idea with this identity. I also think with this amount of events you should play Same Old Thing.

24 Dec 2014 Infinitum

The idea is to recur whatever important setup gets milled using Déjà Vu on the first pass through the deck, holding back on OM until most everything else is set up/milled (which shouldn't take long given the deck self-mills in what, 13 turns without drawing? and I aim to draw a lot). The programs aren't vital for the economic engine and can be recurred with Retrieval Run once an eater is online. Cutlery is nice but seems rather situational, and in any case can be recurred should the need arise.