Shadow Games Runnning

theKuehm 16

Just looking for another opinion on this deck. I'm mostly worried about not having enough fetches to get running early enough. i wouldn't be against changing this build into a Kit heavy code gate rig, but I've been running that and having problems against some of the long game glacier corps in my local group.

24 Oct 2014 karmaportrait

If you're going with Opus, you need 3x and 3x SMC. It's your only econ in the deck and Kati is too slow. Switchblade is going to eat up your stealth creds fast, with only Cloak and Ghost Runner in here as your sources for them. No need for 2x Special Order in shaper, spend the influence elsewhere.

24 Oct 2014 max.kuipers

Agree with karmaportrait.

If you're looking to play the stealth game, might as well get yourself a lockpick or two.

With Diesel, Express Delivery, Test run, AND SMC there is certainly no need for special order.

24 Oct 2014 aermet69

I'd agree with most of the above. Use some influence on Silencer to go with Switchblade and add some Lockpicks to go with Refractor. Also, with Magnum in play, and your breaker suite, there is no room for anything else before you get Toolbox on the table.

Speaking of Magnum, I'm not certain you need it at all, as long as you're sufficiently stealthed up. The stealth rig breaks so cheaply that I think using Kati Jones and a few econ events like Sure Gamble and Dirty Laundry would be quite fine. That would free up some memory for the Cloaks.

If you insist on Magnum though (which is not bad) I'd do the following:

+1 Magnum +1 SMC +2 Silencer +2 Lockpick

-2 Test Run -2 Special Order -2 Express Delivery

You can keep the last Express Delivery for more 'searching', or change it for a Cyberfeeder, Stimhack or another strong 1inf card. With Magnum I would also add Feedback Filter because you'll have a hard time against Jinteki with a small deck, no Levy and no Net damage protection.

24 Oct 2014 theKuehm

Thank you for the advice, I'm going to work with dropping Special Order and Kati for two Lockpicks and maxing out on SMC and Opus to start with.