Customer Relationship Management

algorithm 112

This deck is primarily focused on Targeted Marketing, and the fact that you can keep it up (and constantly refresh the target) with New Angeles Sol.

Phase 1 - "I have read and agree to these terms"

Targeted is a tempo swing card. Pick a decent card, and you'll either slow the runner down, or get rich trying. The first target is usually based on the meta. Later selections typically require reading the opponent's deck and game state.... But, what if... WHAT IF sometimes, you could look at the runner's hand and select from the cards they already have?

  1. Snoop da whoooop - encouinter effect is perfect for T.M. Plus, a successful trace is incredibly powerful, and the ICE is difficult/expensive to outright break
  2. Data Hound - punishing and cheap, but very weak trace (and weak itself), which makes it hard to pull off
  3. Invasion of Privacy - Very useful if you get it early with a with Sweeps/Hedge

Phase 2 - "You can change your privacy settings at any time"

TM helps keep cards from coming out, but what about cards on the table? Here's what you have to get rid of programs:

  1. Data Raven+Keegan Lane
  2. Archangel
  3. Aggressive Secretary
  4. Archer - rez in combination with 2/1's

Once you destroy breakers, score behind relevant ETR ICE. And...that's the deck!

We appreciate your feedback and will use it to evaluate changes and make improvements

  • This deck may be a bit 'overkill' on the program trashing, and could possibly cut some of that for other deficiencies. I'm also not sure the assset mix is optimal
  • Primary Transmission Dish pumps up Snoop and other traces, but the situational nature of this card make me think I should cut it
  • PAD Campaign is slow, but the only credit source aside from TM, Sweeps, and Hedge
  • Daily Business Show and SanSan City Grid would accelerate the deck if I could find space
  • Just 1x Blacklist is inconsistent, but you usually want it late game, so hopefully you get it by then
  • There is no corp-turn tag punishment (e.g. Closed Accounts, Scorched, etc.). Not sure it is required
4 Nov 2015 hi_impact

Love the idea of the deck. I definitely think you need 9 or 10 economy cards outside of TM. I liked Marked Accounts a bit more than PAD because people are less conditioned to trash it. Maybe even Launch Campaign for faster money in a scoring server?

How about +1 Surveillance Sweep, -1 Primary Transmission Dish? You can trash the Surveillance Sweep on overdraws and maybe throw it out when its relevant. I also like 1x Lag Time maybe instead to make News Hound gross 5 STR ETR sentry on demand.

I prefer Spiderweb over Meru Mati, but that's just me.

5 Nov 2015 algorithm

Thank you for the suggestions. I think for the next iteration, I'll definitely add more economy cards.

I like the idea of adding currents for situations where TM is less useful. Surveillance Sweep works well with Snoop/Archangel, so I'll try that first. Lag Time may actually be more productive (albeit more generic). The most generic (but useful) Current, though, is Enhanced Login Protocol. That card makes me physically angry when I see it hit the table as runner. I think I might cut the barrier influence for that, but I don't know if I can still respect myself if I start playing that card.

5 Nov 2015 algorithm

On another note: one card that works really well with the deck's general theme is Sherlock 1.0. Unfortunately, that ICE is simply a piece of garbage, and it makes me sad.

6 Nov 2015 SlayerCNV

I think 2x eli is definitely better than a single meru mati. Your economy it's probably ok and I'll switch 2 pad with 2 San San. Then I'll work a bit over your ices. You probably more than a single Archangel...