Traps and more traps

muitomau 1

Suggestions and criticism appreciate!

24 Nov 2015 herod1204

First suggestion would be, add more cards to bring you up to 49! It will reduce your agenda density, and give you more options. Perhaps add in 2 snares and 2 junebugs? Psychic field doesn't seem to combo well with your agenda suite, which all require advancing over two turns, so I'd potentially suggest a third junebug on top of that.

I'd also take out the restructures, as you will probably struggle to fire them off, perhaps replace them with a celebrity gift?

Just looking at the set up, is your plan to ice the hell out of centrals, and then mushin out agendas and hope the runner doesn't run them? Junebugs would also compliment the mushin's, which would be a bonus.

24 Nov 2015 PeterCapObvious

To add on to what @herod1204 was saying, you need more traps if you're going for a trap-based deck. I would definitely add at least 2 copies of Ronin, and add another Mushin, add Snare! and Project Junebug and maybe even consider dropping 2x Markus 1.0 for a Cerebral Overwriter

Having two copies of Swordsman I feel isn't needed, most of the time it's going to be a dead draw if the runner isn't using an Ai breakers, so dropping to only 1 copy will suffice. And to add Cortex Lock would be an awesome addition, I've seen this card get a turn 1/turn 2 kill on an aggressive runner.

And to point out your Scorched Earth, out of all your cards you have only one card which can actually give a tag, and that's Ichi 1.0, and with the subroutine being a trace, it's even less reliable at dishing out tags than if it were not a bioroid.

I would consider dropping to 1 copy of Scorched Earth, it may not ever land a killing blow but the tempo loss from the discarded cards may even give you a much needed scoring window

24 Nov 2015 PeterCapObvious

And to also add, as far as your agendas go, the runner will most likely only ever need to steal a max of 3 off you, meaning only a total of 3 net damage being done by your I.D. Consider replacing something with Fetal AI, works hand-in-hand with your I.D. House of Knives is also very good, not only is it pretty easy to bluff score out, you can put them under flatline territory very often!

And if you're looking for alternative bluffs to fool the runner, maybe 1 copy of GRNDL Refinery, can give you a massive credit swing. Ghost Branch too to maybe land some tags, even if you don't have scorch in hand, the runner will assume you do, and will hopefully frantically try to clear, giving you another scoring window

I heard Jackson Howard was also a good card ;) If you don't own it (I've heard it's very hard to come by these days) you can always proxy :)

Forgot to mention too, 1 copy of Lockdown is an awesome card imho

24 Nov 2015 DarkMite2

@muitomaui When I first started playing Jinteki decks, I came across a deck list here called "Garden of Mines" by mauxfire. It's brilliant and was the base for all my Jinteki decks for a long time. It's a little old, but will point you in the right direction for this style of deck / ID.