Astro-bluff-otics (Hint: it's not Astrobiotics)

DrunkenGineer 855

It's an Astrobiotics deck, until it's not. Do some NEH stuff, do some fast advance stuff, then when they get through and take something, it's time for the Celebrity Replacements. Then Scorch or Fast Track-Install Beale-Psycho.

9 Sep 2014 Exo

Really like it, seems pretty awesome deck.

9 Sep 2014 DrunkenGineer

Thanks. It's really a meta deck, taking advantage of the fact that everyone thinks NEH = Astrobiotics on Speed, but this can probably take a lot of people by surprise and then keep winning even after they know it's coming.

Also -1 Roto +1 Lotus Field is probably a good idea. Hedge Fund vs Sweeps week is another question mark. Closed Accounts could be worth making space for.

9 Sep 2014 Exo

I'll say Hedge fund. It's a more reliable econ Card, even more when your opponents don't not you're going to try to kill them.

11 Sep 2014 Empty_World

Sweeps week helps you recover faster from a siphon.Well it all depends on meta,and since you get celebrity gift,I don't think that's a big deal.