Jinteki Taxing Perfection

dtjunkie19 1

So, still relatively new to netrunner. Here is a deck that has been doing really well for me so far. Not super original, basis of the deck is heavily taxing the runner as much and often as possible. Most of the agendas in the deck tax either through net damage, costing the runner to steal, or both. The ice is focused on a mix of end the runs and a significant amount of damage to discourage facechecking. Goal is to ice up centrals heavily, get a solid ETR ice on any sundews that I draw, and set up a solid scoring remote and either force the runner to make risky decisions and risk being flatlined or I score out 7 slowly for the win.

Comments, things to improve?

Currently looking at guard, may consider either dropping it down to 2 and picking up another ice, or ditching it completely and going for something cheaper and/or stronger.

25 May 2014 Dydra

Guard is not taxing. 3x PuP will be better than 3x Guard. It's expensive and it stops only Inside Job (which Honestly I don't see a lot of being played with all the new awesome Criminal cards). Femme Fatale breaks guard for 1, so even in the most noob case where they blindly Femme guard , they will still be able to go through it.

In general your ICE needs a lot of fixing. Ice Wall is useless for advancing without Trick of Light, better off with Himitsu- Bako instead of it, frees u up 3 influence as well. Wall of Thorns is a non-efficient ice in General and you might be better off with more Code Gates or Sentry instead of it.

Janus .... er .... you have no Priority Req for free rezz and in the very few cases where they don't know you play him and might be able to kill some1 for 15c ... I wouldn't play it. It's just too brutal how often he will get Emergency Shutdown-ed after u pay 15c to hard rezz him.

Get some Ichi in there and Rottoturet for program destruction. Also 1x Yagura and 1x Shiro in Code gates ... might even wanna go to 2x Yagura . 2nd tollbooth would also be nice for taxing

Cheers, Dydra

25 May 2014 skydivingninja

I disagree with your comment about Guard. Inside Job is terrible for a deck with (usually) big rez costs for ice, so some cheaper ETR ice is good for absolutely keeping the runner out. Maybe not 3 Guard though. Dydra is right in that your ice does need work. I'd invest in Tsurugi, which costs Mimic 4 credits to break through. I'd also replace Janus with another Tollbooth, maybe a Heimdall 1.0, and replace Ice Wall with Eli. I might also cut out the Philotic Entanglemnt and House of Knives for another Future Perfect and either a Nisei or Braintrust, so you have 1 extra card slot to play with.

25 May 2014 Dydra


well no1 with brain will put a big/expensive ice as outermost piece of ICE against criminal ... that's like Netrunner 101 lol

Second it costs 4 ... yes 4 , mimic breaks for 1, femme breaks for 1 ...

let's look at some other options, if in your opinion PuP is a bad card cuz it has no ETR - Quandary costs - 1, Paper wall costs 0 , Himitsu Bako costs 2 ... all more efficient cheap ETR ice, if u are that scarred of the all-mighty inside job lol

Also 2c early game is a BIG difference in a Jinteki deck unless you've hit alredy 2-3 of your econ cards in the opening hand =)

Honestly I was so excited about guard, now I see little-to-no usage for it ... :\ Also as I said pup is more taxing than guard and he wants to tax with this deck ... which further improves the idea of his deck ... if he wants ETR ice he has other places to get it from, rather than a non-taxing , expensive sentry

25 May 2014 dtjunkie19

Thanks for the comments!

I 100% agree that guard was a weak link. It was there originally specifically to counter inside job over something like a sundew remote, or over HQ early, but it is expensive for what it does, and is easily broken with something like a mimic. In my 2nd version I dropped the guard for pup, as the constant 2 credit or 2 card tax is exactly what I am looking for.

As for the rest of the ice, I can definitely see dropping the ice walls to free up some influence. Definitely do want a solid, cheap early game ETR ice to replace it though. Eli is good, but I am not 100% sure if I want an ETR that is that porous. I disagree slightly on the janus. While yes it is expensive, there is a good amount of money in the deck, especially if I can get a sundew into a secure remote for a number of turns. The janus is a decent surprise to pull on the runner, and even after the surprise it is a pretty heavily taxing ice, costing a bunch of clicks and credits or giving some brain damage which makes all of the snares, fetals, HoK, etc. more dangerous. Against criminal, emergency shutdown is a big risk, I would have to make sure HQ is secure before rezzing it. I might consider dropping down to 1, since I rarely will have the cash to rez both. I do realize Wall of thorns is inefficient, but my thought process behind ice is to have a mix of cheap and bigger ice across each category, so that a runner needs to spend more time searching for answers to multiple threats. I'll take a look at any other barriers that may fill a similar role.

With some freed up influence, I can grab a second tollbooth for sure. I will take a look at some of the other options mentioned. Rototurret is an interesting option

The 2nd version, thus far, did cut a HoK and Philotic to add in the second future perfect and give me another card to play with.

Again, thanks for the comments.

25 May 2014 dtjunkie19

2nd Version:

+1 Future Perfect - 1 House of Knives - 1 Philotic Entanglement

+2 Heimdall 1.0 +3 Himitsu-Bako -2 Wall of Thorns -3 Ice wall

+1 Tollbooth

-3 guard -1 Janus (needed the influence) + 2 pup + 2 rototurret + 1 tsurugi

I'll give this version a try. Not sure If I am a huge fan of the ice being as porous as it is, but it definitely became more taxing. May end up switching the janus and wall of thorns back in and taking out the heimdalls if they don't perform.