Seamless Delivery System (1st Australia Nationals East 2023)

MrStyx 228

The corp deck that I took to Australian nationals, going 2-1-1 in swiss, and undefeated in the cut. Full credit for this list goes to @Sokka, with it being a card-for-card copy of his Intercontinentals list. The only change I considered was a Border Control for Light the Fire!, but I was expecting that to be fairly light on the ground so I stuck with the double Anoetic Void. The key is to make your Wage Workers just slightly too annoying to trash, and with Fully Operational, you can pretty much find an agenda at will when you're ready, or burst back in to the game from a low credit count. You can find my runner deck here.


Round 1 win vs Hugh's Arissana: Getting in to the scoring remote once cost him all of the money he had just made off of 2x Environmental Testing, and from then on he was unable to effectively challenge after a timely Mavirus to purge out Fermenter on a scoring turn.

Round 4 loss vs @bluestar's Esa: Made it to game point with only minor losses to sabotage, which was good because I did not see a Spin Doctor all game. Unfortunately a well timed Finality closed the game before I could FA the win from hand.

Round 5 draw vs @Vale's Hoshiko: The midgame devolved in to knife fight over an Offworld in the remote that I refused to let go, taxing him 10 credits per turn for me to Anoetic him out, but in the process he'd get me just too low on credits to score it. I did eventually score it out after draining him of sufficient resources, but lost another agenda in the process, having thrown it out to Anoetic with a Spin ready to get it back next turn, unfortunately that was the turn Vale decided to finally check just what I'd been throwing out. On the turn time was called Vale managed to find 4 points off R&D, while I had the Biotic in hand to score a Vitruvius for the draw at 6 points each.

Round 8 vs Alban's Audrey Loup: Early game looked rough with Audrey being able to deal quite well with the many low strength, single iced servers that Asa sets up. Fortunately I was able to sneak through a naked Rashida on the board, and then Fully Op up to a big enough credit lead that I could afford to stop installing assets, preventing an easy source of Audrey counters, and forcing the runner to dig for backup breakers which they couldn't find before I scored out.

Cut round 2 vs Leon's Hoshiko: The game nearly ended very early when Leon saw 3 agendas off of R&D in 3 clicks. Fortunately the last one was an Ikawah that he couldn't steal. When a light the fire came down, I had to consider every score attempt from then on. Fortunately, I baited out the LtF by installing a Nico in the scoring remote, distracting attention away from the Biotic Vitruvius in HQ that secured the win.

Cut round 3 vs @HaverofFun's Lat: I sat down across from my teammate, we had both made it this far, but the loser would have to endure the lower bracket for a chance at revenge. He did normal goodstuff Lat things, installing cards, making money, prepared the Clot threat, and got the Lat draw every turn. Then I won.

27 Sep 2023 Kror

"Then I won"

27 Sep 2023 fayrouz

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