anr_marsellus 1342

Version 2, built together with the amazing @JonathanJones.

PPVP is not as cool since you can't play Lucky Finds, but well, you got Test Runs to try to make room for it. Here are some card explanantions:

Torch: awesome Femme: great Lady: woopp woop Dinosaurus: cool (and you want the Femme-osaurus) Multithreader: fantastic mid-to late game eco Personal Workshop: marvelous go-to drip economy Nerve Agent: massive HQ pressure Medium: even more massive R&D pressure Parasite: because you can Professional Contacts: because they show yours truly Clone Chip: because you can

I hope the lack of Lucky Find can be more than compensated by the other economy of this deck. By the way, for comparison: If Kate were to play this list, she would be at -10 [sic!] influence.

(VIPPVPPIV = Very Important Pre-Paid Voicepad Prof In Vanguard)

1 Jan 2016 JAK

Kate would be at -13 influence! (That's a big difference -- -10 is borderline worthwhile, -13 is clearly worthwhile.)

2 Jan 2016 4dd150n

Hey it's me, a horrible buzzkill on the ol' internet.

The printed rules for the NAPD Most Wanted List state:

"An Identity's printed influence limit cannot be reduced below 1."

Which, unless I'm grossly misunderstanding something, means you shouldn't be able to have any NAPD MWL cards in a Professor deck because the nerfed cards affect the deck's total influence limit (1, in this case).

I'm overall in favor of FFG's attemt to balance out Netrunner, but I think they failed to take into account how these rules affect the weaker IDs in the game. ]

(See also: Meidan, Nasir.)

2 Jan 2016 Crowe

@4dd150n The rule you are quoting is not a restriction on deck building, it is a restriction on the NMWL's effect on the identity's influence. Regardless of how many NMWL cards you have in your deck, they will not reduce your influence limit below 1. I assume that sentence exists almost entirely because of The Professor.

2 Jan 2016 JAK

@4dd150n -- Damon Stone specifically said in the announcement that the Professor was unaffected.

(I did have someone ragequit on me in Jinteki, today, two days after the announcement, for playing the Professor with Clone Chip. Despite the fact we'd never said we're playing with MWL. I was told "you're ridiculous" for explaining the rules.)

3 Jan 2016 4dd150n

@ryangibson86 @JAK Huh. Somehow that interpretation of the rule escaped me. I even searched Twitter for "professor" and "Netrunner" before posting that so I didn't come off as some confused semi-literate halfwit. Anyway, that's great because now the Professor is even better than he was before.

Viva Professor Space Sweater!

Viva Rage Quitters!