Angel in the Arena

Skeletons 147

The core idea: Install Angel Arena with a mound of tokens ASAP, and cycle your deck to find the cards you need. Then I chose Valencia and made a bad publicity deck around it.

Itinerant Protesters is super important; it will deprive the HQ of cards, fill Archives faster and proc Vigil's draw more often.

Recurring credits from bad pub should also keep the deck's economy afloat, fingers crossed. Dinosaurus could be swapped for Vigil to make the deck a little slower, but more efficient.

Eater I just threw in there because it looks fun!

1 Dec 2014 Snake Eyes

With no program tutors, having only 2x Eater is going to make you miserable most of the time. Even 3x would too.

I'd consider having a backup plan for breakers. While Swordsman isn't particularly common, it would single-handedly dismantle this deck. However, Wraparound is super common, and it would be incredibly taxing for you to deal with. An easy in-faction solution to Wraparound at least is D4v1d, although Corroder is more universal.

2x Levy AR Lab Access is probably a waste since the decksize is already high. I get having one of them for PE protection, but 2 seems like a waste of deckspace and influence.

I'm not really sure what Surge is doing for you here. Your only legal targets are Medium and Imp. With Eater as your lone breaker, you can't access cards to make use of them. Eater is especially anti-synergistic with Medium.

The only economy cards in this deck are Dirty Laundry and Sure Gamble. You have influence and deckspace available to fit stuff like Account Siphon in. I'd consider that, or some program tutoring to be able to get your Eaters out faster (Special Order might fit the bill here)

1 Dec 2014 Skeletons

Aha! Nice, you've not only highlighted some things I definitely need, but the cards I can drop to make space for them.

Surge only ups the tempo, so it can go. Medium is a fringe situation and (as noted) it doesn't fit with Eater well, so it can go too. 1x Levy AR Lab Access can go.

That alone gives me room for a third Eater, a backup icebreaker and 2 economy cards. I've no problems with that.

At that point I think economy is my biggest concern, since bad publicity creds don't help me outside of runs. As much as I didn't want to turn my deck into yet another Account Siphon deck, that card does seem like it would fit in extremely well...

As for tutors, I am hoping to use Angel Arena without them at first, just to see what that card can do. If or when (probably when) the deck needs more help, I think Test Run would be a flexible choice that also provides some synergy with Imp and Oracle May.

Thanks for the advice!