I hate museum V.01

pandaman64 30

I hate museum.

I rarely if ever get to play in real life versions of netrunner. All I have to play is on octgn and jinteki.net, and since octgn feels like a mess, jinteki it is. Even before museum came out, asset train was a daunting, boring match. But it was fine, not like it was super popular. Heck, it could even be called interesting between bouts of butchershop or RP or foodcoats or what have you. Everything was good. Everything was fine.

Fast forward to now. Every deck playing 3 museums, 3 turtlebacks, usually 3 mumbas.....Faction barely matters, all of them play exactly the same. play a million things, make the runner wanna take a nap, win while runner is sleeping. I can feel myself aging during every game against it. Every turn that ticks by, feeling a little more dead inside.

So. I'm making this. I don't care if the deck is good. I don't care if it's well positioned against the meta. The only thing I really wanna do, is make the game as lopsided against museum decks as possible. Because hopefully, I can ruin their experience with the game as much as their deck has ruined mine.

That said, even in my maniacal state I can acknowledge that running whizzard and 2 scrubbers being 'a bit much'.

update v.02: Deck changes have been made reflecting comments.

-1 career fair, -2 hacktivist meeting, -1 net shield, -1 scrubber, -1 corroder

+2 employee strike, +1 archives interface +1 dirty laundry, +1 same old thing, +1 morningstar

22 Apr 2016 wozzit

Wouldn't #Imp be helpful?

22 Apr 2016 pandaman64

yeah, running imps over scrubber is probably the sane man's call. I agree.

22 Apr 2016 tonybluehose

There's no time to be sane with meta-rage like this. No sir, I say you keep your scrubbers AND add some Imp. Let them all feel your pain!

22 Apr 2016 x3r0h0ur

Scrubbers enable Salsette Slums, where Imp does not. Stick with scrubbers.

To make it more lopsided, esp vs IG, slot employee strike. Morninstar puts in work against the best IG build, since its on hive, and works in other MUs.

22 Apr 2016 pandaman64

would you say employee strike >> hacktivist meeting though?

22 Apr 2016 Crauseon

Make them weep by adding a second or third Archives Interface. You will want it early up.

Speed things up and find space for another Career Fair? 3rd Parasite into a D4V1D?

Kill it 'till it's dead. Good luck, fellow anarch sir.

22 Apr 2016 Pinkwarrior

@Crauseon I agree a 2-3 archive works well Its also useful for News Team in NBN and getting rid of the odd Jackson. I also run the Ramujan-reliant 550 BMI about 4-5 copies just cos most of those decks run on killing you as their win condition with Ronin and Snare!s it actually helps for Assassin as well and other popular cards.

22 Apr 2016 x3r0h0ur

Hacktivist is kinda shit against IG, because it enables their ID, and the agenda density is so low, they don't often have agendas in HQ. A good player can mitigate it very easily. Employee strike is profoundly better because you can play it out and trash all the important shit.