MaxXimum HQ-Pad

17thknight 14

The deck is heavily centered on event playing, with Prepaid Voicepads to accommodate.

I decided to focus the deck on attacking HQ the moment I saw Wanton Destruction. Legwork and Nerve Agent augment this. Ideally, you will Wanton Destruction two or more cards out of the Corp's hand. Then, you can use Nerve Agent and Legwork to lock HQ down completely. Femme Fatale's counters will be well used on ICE protecting HQ. Parasite can work both with helping to attack HQ as well as opening up remotes or R&D for multiple attack points.

The synergy between Retrieval Run and the big breakers is obvious. If necessary, you can even overdraw, discard a breaker, and then Retrieval Run it out for cheap.

I agonized over whether or not to include Plascrete Carapace, as it seems overkill with I've Had Worse (Steelskin) but in the end I chose to include it "just in case". Between the two, I think you are well protected.

I chose Lucky Find over Sure Gamble due to cost to benefit ratio, and since I do not expect to be rich with this deck.

Amped Up has great synergy with Wanton Destruction, but it can also be used to maximize Nerve Agent in a single turn, forcing the Corp to purge virus counters and leaving you another full turn to attack.

I'm still undecided on whether or not to include Scrubbed. I'm tempted to remove Scrubbed and throw in D4V1D and Datasucker, but I'm not sure yet. I dont' like the idea of being unprotected from Corp currents, so I've left it for now.

It's possible this would work better by removing the Legworks and putting in two Clone Chips, but as it stands I don't think program recursion is as important as having a full-on assault on a central server.