CTZ_BLUE_CONTROL (4-0 San Fran Store Champ)

ctz 4278

Changes for the future love sounds: -1 Fetal, -3 Museum, -1 Hiro

Play this deck if you wanna beat Shaper, Criminal, and Non Whizzard #narrow. The RP click tax is better than the IG trash tax, as every runner in the game has 14x Temujin Contract. Enforced Curfew makes math easier. If you have failed psychic fields, overwrite the server with something else and friends em back or museum em for more added fun.

13 Dec 2016 nobo


13 Dec 2016 tzeentchling

No Breaker Bay Grids for the Hostiles? I like saving 5 credits.

13 Dec 2016 spags


16 Dec 2016 vor_lord

Kudos for the deck.

Been playing this, and I feel terrible bringing it to the Casual room on Jinteki.net. Whizz makes it sad, and so does Feedback Filter. But it doesn't require many credits to function, and is very oppressive. Enforced Curfew is a real boon to the Dedication Ceremony/Ronin combo.