Trashy Hayley

ragingduck 65

Self-trashing installers allow you to trigger Hayley's ID and Wasteland on both your turn and the corp's. With a full complement of Wastelands and Tech Traders, that's $12 plus 2 free clicks every round.

With so much late-game potential, it's prudent to avoid running against trappy corps until you've built your giant rig. You can let the first couple agendas go, or let the first Urban Renewal hit you.

Against taxing corps, you'll eventually be rich enough, either to run the gauntlet or to clear the board of assets. Ditto for corps that tax with Obokata or meat damage (use Bookmark, Levy, and patience). Against FA you set up a quasi-lock with Clot, Sac Con, and Levy. Dig in R&D with Equivocation for the win.

Rush decks are a tough matchup, as are Zealous Judge asset decks. Both force you to run before you're ready. Stimhack helps, but frankly the deck could use some improvement on this front.

Design Notes:

  • No Misdirection. The real threat is SEA Source + All-Seeing I, not HHN. You really just have to get richer than the corp to run safely against NBN or trappy Weylands. Watch out for Biased Reporting.

  • Net Celebrity sucks. It's only there to counter Scarcity of Resources, which is absolutely crippling early.

  • A stealth suite isn't good here. It makes you even more vulnerable in the early game, and you're usually rich enough in the late game anyway.

Recent tweaks:

  • Daily Casts instead of Sure Gamble. It's $1 more, plus however many Wastelands are installed, plus Hayley can steal the install click.

  • Life without Lady or Na'na'whatever seeems just as good. Nobody is running Swordsman these days. I'd rather have another Sac Con.

  • Net Celeb is crap. I'm trying Interdiction instead.

2 Jan 2018 lostgeek

Nice to see someone else trying the Geist money engine in Hayley. I've been fooling around with it too using 6 Spy Cameras and Technical Writer instead of Wasteland for additional credits.

What is your thought on Laguna Velasco District versus Professional Contacts? I found it more effective to draw through the deck with Laguna and install all trashables as quickly as possible. Also allows to you to cut some copies of cards that you only need one of like Astrolabe, SMC and Beth, since you'll find them soon enough.

More includable : Sports Hopper, Technical Writer, Algo Trading, Maxwell James, Hunting Grounds (in a pinch)

2 Jan 2018 lostgeek

Nice to see someone else playing around with the Geist money engine in Hayley. I've been trying it with 6 Spy Cameras and Technical Writers for influence instead of Wasteland. Here's the decklist if you're interested.

What is your thought on Laguna Velasco District versus Professional Contacts? I found it more efficient to draw through the deck quickly with Laguna and install all the trashables to get money. Also allows you to play cards like Astrolabe and Beth as one-ofs, since you'll be drawing them quickly.

More includable : Sports Hopper, Technical Writer, Maxwell James, Hunting Grounds (in a pinch)

2 Jan 2018 lostgeek

Nice to see someone else playing around with the Geist money engine in Hayley. I've been trying it with 6 Spy Cameras and Technical Writers for influence instead of Wasteland. Here's the decklist if you're interested.

What is your thought on Laguna Velasco District versus Professional Contacts? I found it more efficient to draw through the deck quickly with Laguna and install all the trashables to get money. Also allows you to play cards like Astrolabe and Beth as one-ofs, since you'll be drawing them quickly.

More includable : Sports Hopper, Technical Writer, Maxwell James, Hunting Grounds (in a pinch)

2 Jan 2018 lostgeek

Nice to see someone else playing around with the Geist money engine in Hayley. I've been trying it with 6 Spy Cameras and Technical Writers for influence instead of Wasteland. Here's the decklist if you're interested.

What is your thought on Laguna Velasco District versus Professional Contacts? I found it more efficient to draw through the deck quickly with Laguna and install all the trashables to get money. Also allows you to play cards like Astrolabe and Beth as one-ofs, since you'll be drawing them quickly.

More includable : Sports Hopper, Technical Writer, Maxwell James, Hunting Grounds (in a pinch)

2 Jan 2018 lostgeek

Whoops. Got a server error and refreshed the site a bunch of times. Sorry for the duplicate comments!

4 Jan 2018 ragingduck

I think Laguna is a good substitute for ProCon. I've tried 3 ProCon, 3 Laguna, and 2 Laguna + 1 Symmetrical. ProCon seems to give me the smoothest early game, but I don't consider the choice obvious.

This deck definitely needs either Wasteland or Tech Writer. I prefer Wasteland because:

  • I get the 1c now instead of later.

  • I don't have to worry about Best Defense killing my 10c Tech Writer.

  • I get paid for trashable resources as well as programs/hardware. Tech Writer would still pay if I replaced those with Spy Cam + Bookmark, but I consider Street Peddler and All-Nighter to be much stronger.