Person of Interest v2.0

WardOfTheWoods 710

Redone version of a previous deck I made. The first week I played it in my local game store meta, I went 3-0. Psychographics and Project Beale along with Midseason Replacements helped win me a couple games from behind. During one such game, I had scored an AstroScript Pilot Program while my opponent had stolen 6 agenda points. The turn after stealing, I Midseasons-ed into a Psychographics for 7 counters, removed one from Astro and then advanced a Beale for 9 total counters and won. The deck has loads of econ, and my opponents usually won't run on a remote with Marked Accounts in it, meaning I get steady credits to build up my combos and rez the relatively-inexpensive ICE in the deck. I've also faked out opponents by using Celebrity Gift on a hand with an agenda, Midseasons, Psychographics and either Closed Accounts or Scorched Earth. Jackson helps keep my hand full at all times while I find econ or ICE to set up Psychographics. Overall, while the ICE isn't the strongest, I've had a lot of success in my local playgroup with this deck.