When in doubt, hit it very hard.

H0tl1ne 468

Edward crouched upon the once-Ares mark Four model bioroid's cracked carcass and pondered.

The mech gave him one hell of a fight. Though he's had a lot worse and he could say that even not having had his palm removed from its socket, his face and chest was covered in blood - both red, some of his own - and gruesome blue ooze Haas filled her toys with. Generation after generation, mark after mark, the mechs were growing even tougher, even more persistent, even harder to wreck.

"You're gone now, you fuck", he grunted angrily. "And I still live. I am alive, punk! You're not!"

The machine's lens sparked, flickered, filling the cramped alleyway with light for a second or two, then faded again.

"Citizen, you h-h-h-have commited a di-di-direct violation-on of terms of use. Surrender now and prepare for persecution-secution", it stuttered in a soft, emotionless, monotonous voice.

Astonished, Kim obeyed, surrendering his sledge directly to the disabled mech's forehead. There was a loud thud, another fountain of sparks.

"Surrender... at... once...", uttered the bioroid.

"Hey, better idea. Why won't you shut up and die?", Kim asked politely, casually swinging his hammer against its battered face.

For a moment, there was an unnerving feeling of pointlessness. No matter how many he destroyed, ten times more appeared in their place. His fight, however heroic, was futile.

"Negative. Actions will not be ceased. Threats must be neutralized", responded the machine in a voice surprisingly clear for something with its jaw hanging loosely on one bolt.

"Damn straight", Edward responded after two seconds of stillness, shaking his head in surprise. "Damn straight. Thanks, punk."

If a stupid bioroid could persist so much, why would he be any worse than it?

A few swings later, the creature finally fell silent, a lifeless husk where artificial life once thrived.

As it should be.

Welcome, one and all!

This is the deck I've been having lots of fun with lately. Appears to get some quite nice results on Jinteki.net, even managing to resist the latest IG boom with dignity.

Shame be on influence limits and NAPD MWL, I have managed to include but one Gang Sign. It appears to have tremendously good results though - if you can, land it as fast as possible. This little resource has a nearly perfect synergy with Edward's ID ability, allowing you to pick off the operations of utmost importance with zero effort. Mercilessy mess with their Midseasons, Punitives, Scorches, Labors and Neural EMPs all the way you like and watch them grind their teeth in frustration! Sometimes you'll even manage to net an agenda or two this way, and all that during your opponent's own turn.

It seems to work best with Neutralize All Threats, allowing you to access two cards instead of one, thus doubling your chance at a lucky steal or operation trash. NAT is your only HQ multi-access tool here, so placing it in your rig is definitely a thing you should do early, considering you plan on running HQ. Don't worry about the downside - you were planning to trash stuff anyway!

One Clone Chip for fun with recursion, surprise Parasites or installing vital breakers mid-run from your heap, if need arises, even with the smart use of Stimhacks. Street Peddlers can be used for the same effect, letting you dig deeper into your deck at the same time as a bonus.

There's quite a lot of stuff suitable for a sudden R&D dig, namely Medium and DDoS. Kim is super good at digging, frequently letting you see an extra card on subsequent runs thanks to his op-trashing abilities. For even better selective milling, keep an Imp handy. If you don't want to be selective at all, just fire Demolition Run and enjoy the flames.

Human First turns out to be a really pleasant surprise - it is not crucial, but definitely helps a lot.

Plans for the future? If I get my hands on several more data packs, which I hope I will soon enough, I'll probably consider including a copy of Net-Ready Eyes in place of one Parasite, at the same time switching NAT with a more regular HQ Interface. I mean, it's not entirely necessary given you are able to install Datasucker and complete runs frequently, but might help a lot.

Any thoughts, praises or critique are welcome.

Until then - good hunting!

14 Apr 2016 Waltzard

It can be hard out there to click to draw. If you get em, consider splicing in some kind of draw engines (wyldside, earthrise, etc.)

16 Apr 2016 H0tl1ne

I considered it, but I decided that Street Peddlers and I've Had Worse does the job enough. Maybe someday, though, I'll stabilize it a bit more.