First Deck Ever Built!

sanluyene 29

Haven't yet played it- built my first deck after only ever playing CORE. Have played each Corp and Runner once, then purchased Order and Chaos.

13 Jul 2017 Krams

All in all, a pretty solid start for your first deck ever :)

I think the deck is already pretty fine, but of course there are always possible improvements. The best way to improve the deck is to play-test it a bit and see which cards you'd like to see more often, which ones you really miss and which ones you end up not playing most of the time.
And of course, play-testing will show you if the economy works out. My guess is that you should be fine most of the time, unless the runner is really aggressive and has a really good start. But the only way to really know, is to try it.

Some comments on your card choices:

  • Government Takeover is always a risk. You have no means to score it ever with this deck (it's hard to do, but possible with support cards - support cards that are not in Core or O&C) and no Punitive Counterstrike to avenge it if it get's stolen (also, because it isn't in O&C...).
    So it just sits there, waiting to get stolen to loose you the game. But it also greatly reduces the agenda density, which is a good thing. Kind of a two-edged blade.
  • The Board is a bit deceiving. Yes, it makes all those 1-pointers worthless to the runner. But only while it is installed and rezzed and sitting there in a server, where you have to defend it. Because the runner WILL attack it. And there's nothing you can really do to stop him trashing it. It might cost him a lot, but eventually, every runner will just trash it and gain 2 points.
    It's hard to make that card really shine. You have to build the deck around it. And even then, it's usually not worth it.
  • Patch and Sub Boost are okay. With an increasing card pool you will have less and less deckslots to spare for things that are just okay, but for now, I guess it's fine.
    They are cheap ways to make your servers more taxing. Just take a careful look at how much value you're really getting from them. Especially Sub Boost can be a crutch if your ICE are already solid. It shines on cheap-to-rez high-strength ICE, but Builder is your only one of those.
13 Jul 2017 sanluyene

Thanks @Krams!

First play with it happened exactly as you noted it may with an aggressive runner. It was difficult to get anything set-up and going, nearly impossible to have/get any credits to keep on hand to defend. Runner blew this deck away! It was so easy for the points to get picked up, just as you said.

Thanks for the suggestions- going to give it one more play through, and then start changing out some of these cards :)

14 Jul 2017 Krams

That's always the risk with agenda-driven economy.

Firmware Updates + Mark Yale makes money, but you need to score first.
Hostile Takeover makes money, but you need to score it, before it gets stolen out of R&D.
Government Takeover would make tons of money if you'd ever have it in your score area, but you won't.
And High-Risk Investment let's you instantly win the money-game against any runner (twice, in Titan!), but you need to score it first.

Those are your best economy cards. And when the runner gets ahead and doesn't let you score, you're stripped of all of them.

If you have a good start against a slower runner, I'm sure your economy is a blast.

16 Jul 2017 sanluyene

This deck has been terrible the three times it's been played. Everything being so expensive has made it very difficult to get up off the ground, if at all. Going to take a look at making this run a little better!