Space Channels

cortexjackal 58

After a frustrating corp game I decided to make a stupid deck. A deck that was silly and used goofy cards. I specifically wanted to break the "rules" of corp deckbuilding, just to screw around. This was the result. It's won me more games than just about any other corp deck I've played with, probably mostly because of the mindfuck factor. If you're in a mood to mess around, give it a spin.

Here's the plan: Advance your traps to 7-9 then back channels. If you're scared of drive by then rez your traps. Yes rez a project junebug with 8 tokens on it. They wont run it. Then get rich. After you do it twice (and they've trashed about 4 traps at that point, they wont mess with stuff that's advanced like that in remotes. After you get to that point, throw a government takeover in a server, naked. Mushin no shin was put in there just for this purpose. If they are wise and run all your remotes then just let the traps fire. I landed a double advanced junebug 4 times in one game because the guy would run my remotes every time. I didn't win that game, but it was hilarious.

All the ice was selected simply because it is cheap. You can almost always rez the ice on the board. It's not amazing ice, but it slows them down long enough for you to pull off your shell game shenanigans. The only ice I specifically chose was tour guide. Tour guide seems so bad in my mind. It dies to parasite. However without a parasite it becomes very, very fun. My favorite thing to do is put two tour guides in a row, then rez three traps in remotes. Your traps are mostly money anyways but 6 sentry subs is zero fun for a runner. Rez your traps without reservation. They will become so confused, and you will laugh. Also; Burke Bugs is so funny to actually trash programs with. You almost always have credit advantage with this deck, so burke em good.

Econ: your econ is back channels, use it well. Every single time I play this deck I'm able to land at least two 25+ swings.

Tag punishment: Trash resources, you'll have the money. Also; bluff scorched earth. Usually once they trash a ghost branch or hit a hunter they slow down a bit.

Agendas: There are five. You never get flooded. Ever.

This is not a competitive deck. But after scoring government takeover three times out of naked servers, I refuse to put it down. Enjoy.

18 Sep 2015 CaKnuckleguy

Housekeeping? Paywall. Needs more Paywall.

19 Sep 2015 cortexjackal

Hmmm, that's interesting. I frequently have runners making successful runs on this build but I'm wondering if it's enough to justify dropping housekeeping. Housekeeping really controls their tempo, and frankly just annoys them. Which is fun for me. I'll think about that though.