
Snake Eyes 4651

Apex: Invasive Predator exposes your dirty secrets through his network of Spy Cameras on your RnD and late night google searches away. He will expose your Dirty Laundry for profit either off of you, bounding in your servers, or maybe making the same money plus draw sending it through the Chop Bot 3000 and into the Wasteland.


Enjoy the s in this deck, as draw the engine is run by Reaver and the engine is build by Wasteland and the basics of Dirty Laundry and Sure Gamble.

Chop Bot 3000 and your ID ability ensure that you are able to get a draw a turn, or just have free tag removal while triggering the other benefits of everything described above.

Multiaccess isn't really required because Spy Camera lets you see stuff often enough (as a trigger before your turn starts), and Apocalypse wrecks your opponent's board.

Heartbeat makes it incredibly difficult to kill, and Reaver procs off of that too. Brain Cage goes from harming you and costing a credit in normal IDs, to potentially gaining your money and going up to a handsize of 8 instead of 7, and no random card hit.

The 8 max size hand makes Faust really powerful, ESPECIALLY if you hit a Sports Hopper (themactically, Apex: Invasive Predator taking over a Smart Car that can fly) before your turn starts, triggering maybe 5 draws, then getting another 3 when your turn starts for trashing something to your Chop Bot 3000, which could damn well have been something from inside the Sports Hopper if Apex: Invasive Predator wills it.

The conspiracy theory breaker suite belongs nicely here, since you can feed them to the engine of either Faust or installed facedown for Chop Bot 3000 to eat up. (A little play I like to call shredding the classified documents)... but they only come back out when it suits this Sentient AI's purposes (generally just from central Turings, Swordsmen, or maybe Wraparounds)

After you Apocalypse, Endless Hunger is really nice to lay down to contest any upstart remotes with, and can work as a trash trigger for your Reaver Wasteland engine.

I almost never use Hunting Grounds for it's ability, but I have let it trash before my turn began if I need more cards to trash to Chop Bot 3000 and I don't have any cards I want to get rid of in my hand, or I've already played all the key cards to the engine, AND Levy AR Lab Access to reset it again. Because it's a blind-fire you have to be cautious when you fire it off, this is why I am only running 2 copies. Worst case this card just ends up as Faust food.

27 Dec 2016 Snake Eyes

Apex: Invasive Predator exposes your dirty secrets through his network of Spy Cameras on your RnD and late night google searches away. He will expose your Dirty Laundry for profit, or maybe make just enough money sending your Dirty Laundry to the Chop Bot 3000 , then pass all the evidence into the Wasteland for profit.

Enjoy the s in this deck, as draw the engine is run by Reaver and the engine is build by Wasteland and the basics of Dirty Laundry and Sure Gamble.

Chop Bot 3000 and your ID ability ensure that you are able to get a draw a turn, or just have free tag removal while triggering the other benefits of everything described above.

Multiaccess isn't really required because Spy Camera lets you see stuff often enough (as a trigger before your turn starts), and Apocalypse wrecks your opponent's board.

Heartbeat makes it incredibly difficult to kill, and Reaver procs off of that too. Brain Cage goes from harming you and costing a credit in normal IDs, to potentially gaining your money and going up to a handsize of 8 instead of 7, and no random card hit.

The 8 max size hand makes Faust really powerful, ESPECIALLY if you hit a Sports Hopper (themactically, Apex: Invasive Predator taking over a Smart Car that can fly) before your turn starts, triggering maybe 5 draws, then getting another 3 when your turn starts for trashing something to your Chop Bot 3000, which could damn well have been something from inside the Sports Hopper if Apex: Invasive Predator wills it.

The conspiracy theory breaker suite belongs nicely here, since you can feed them to the engine of either Faust or installed facedown for Chop Bot 3000 to eat up. (A little play I like to call shredding the classified documents)... but they only come back out when it suits this Sentient AI's purposes (generally just from central Turings, Swordsmen, or maybe Wraparounds)

After you Apocalypse, Endless Hunger is really nice to lay down to contest any upstart remotes with, and can work as a trash trigger for your Reaver Wasteland engine.

I almost never use Hunting Grounds for it's ability, but I have let it trash before my turn began if I need more cards to trash to Chop Bot 3000 and I don't have any cards I want to get rid of in my hand, or I've already played all the key cards to the engine, AND Levy AR Lab Access to reset it again. Because it's a blind-fire you have to be cautious when you fire it off, this is why I am only running 2 copies. Worst case this card just ends up as Faust food.

27 Dec 2016 Sanjay

This deck looks really cool.

I'm usually pretty skeptical of Levy AR Lab Access in an Apex deck but I think between Sports Hopper and Faust, it's pretty justified. Shame you can't find room for a Déjà Vu, though, because babysitting that card in your hand sounds exhausting.

How much do you really need Paperclip?

27 Dec 2016 Snake Eyes

Hi @Sanjay!

My previous Apex build ( netrunnerdb.com ) ran a Déjà Vu , but I found that you never wanted to have to pay 2 to then have to pay another 5 to shoot it off. Serious money problems because I wasn't double-triggering off of of Wasteland . I almost went freeing up another influence to slot 2x Levy AR Lab Access in instead. If you draw the Levy early ya you do end up babysitting it longer, but with Heartbeat avoiding random damage is easy, and Brain Cage keeping your hand size up makes it not that's much of a pain when you're breaking with Faust .

Honestly I haven't been finding Paperclip great here. Even when I hit Wraparound I generally break it with Faust anyway. I'm tempted to play a DDoS in its spot, or maybe go with an Inti and have 2 influence free for something like 2x Paricia to help you against assetspam.