Soft/Hard Rez HB

poughimer 1

First deck I've done well with. Enough cheap Ice to stop runs early, plus the soft rezes to set up servers for money or scoring. One draw back is that it draws the game out long.

12 Jan 2014 nbove

Consider putting Wotan in this deck. It would be a complete rockstar in this deck since it is the only bioroid ice that doesn't get destroyed/derezzed by a runner with E3. The Tyr's hand is a little dubious, I can't really see many situations with this deck where keeping the runner from breaking 1 subroutine is going to make or break the game. Finally, the archers are probably not pulling their weight in this deck. You have plenty of great oversight/efficiency targets without them. Without their surprise value, they usually just end up being faerie bait, and you don't have the proper agendas to hard rez them.