Sandburg RP

InfinityX000 15

Note that this deck is better with DNA Tracker, an unreleased card. To change it, take out the Cricks and maybe the Swordsman and put in 2-3 DNA Tracker.

This deck has gone nearly undefeated on Notice how I say nearly. there have been 2 or 3 times someone fairly beat me (and like 20 times I have beat others). Some decks, not specific weaknesses, I hate playing against. I like to put in 1 game against each, but the thing is, things like Sunny DLR or the like are just boring. So, maybe if you count those quits while I am not in a good or bad position, then I have lost like 7 times.

This deck kills Yog.0. Lotus Field is enough unless they have Net-Ready Eyes or are playing yogasaurus. In that case, use sandburg. If they do have david, use things like Wall of Thorns to deplete their counters fast (DNA Tracker also noteworthy here). If they are Yogging, get 2 Lotus. Make a server with 1 lotus and sandburg. Make a scoring remote with Lotus + 1 other ice (DDoS protection).

Aside from Yog, put ice on centrals to make it tax em, put etr ice on a scoring remote, and ur good.

Influence spent: 3 ELP. ELP = Caprice + Nisei counter is epic. You have 2 chances to win a psi game. If you win either of them, you score the agenda. simple. 2 Architect. This recurs your stuff and installs new suff. It is great for R&D to punish them. Finally 3 Jackson H. Christ for obvious reasons.

Some of you will be like "Y U NO RUN X ICE?!!". In that case, there are 2 possibilities.

1: You're thinking of Ashigaru. Ashi dies to paperclip and does nothing other than ETR. That's why we have WoT instead, which taxes paperclip the same amount.

2: You're thinking of something else. JUST PUT IT IN. If it is a low end barrier, take out Bako (which we run over Vanilla for sandburg reasons). If it is a code gate, take out Crick. If it is a sentry, i don't know, you can take out Crick still I guess?

2 Oct 2016 InfinityX000

Also, didn't want this to be too long so im commenting this, I didn't find anything in FtM that i liked for this. Voter Intimidation is okay, but not worth the deckslots to me. Maybe you disagree.