Bold Neu Strategy

Cobalt 396

Of course, heavily inspired by l0velace's Bold New Strategy. Get a City Works Project out, use SSO's ability to protect it with big ICE, then either Punitive or Neurospike the Runner as appropriate. It bears some resemblence to the current popular Azmari lists in this respect.

I must admit, while it performed the better of my two decks at the North regional, I wouldn't recommend it for several reasons:

  • You have to commit your entire turn to install-advance-advancing a City Works Project, as otherwise 2 damage is an amount Runners are very prepared to suffer to take an agenda (Fujii). This makes pushing an agenda very inflexible.
  • No influence for The Holo Man or similar means you have to spend five clicks hard-advancing your CWP, which is just too much when the Runner is bulldozing your centrals as early as turn 2. Marilyn Campaign and Wall to Wall help a little bit with this, but not really enough. Slash and Burn Agriculture is in-faction, but that means feeding the Runner more situations where they're safe from Punitive.
    • The glacier is not glacial enough to tax out Kit's infinite money supply or Lat's Simulchips, so you can't really slow-roll, either.
    • If instead you simply choose not to rez ice, the Runner almost certainly then has enough credits to survive a Punitive.
  • Any Runner that can't deal with Punitive Counterstrike is already dying to the Azmari players, so you mostly face the ones that can.

It is, however, very funny to install a CWP and ask the 419 player if they want to expose it.

TL;DR just put 3 Snare! in and call it a day

6 Oct 2024 Russ

Hey Cobalt, they deck are nearly as cool as you! Love Rus!