Basically Mulch OKORINA The Nihilist (45/17)

Sokka 5661

I built this deck together with @Wikignometry for OKORINA 6. Info about OKORINA can be found here: ABR Link.

Check out the other lists we put together this event: "Baklan" Bochlin, Salvo Testing, and Better Citizen Program.

This deck is basically Mulch but with The Nihilist as an ID. Maybe Avgustina is better for this. We quickly felt the "Baklan" Bochlin deck we built was more fun so we ended up not playing this one.

OKORINA is always so much fun! Check out my stream of the event here:

Thank you to everyone who came out to play in the tournament! Stuff like this can't happen without the participation. Thank you to @Testrunning for being an excellent organizer! Congratulations to @Tsgstarwars for winning it all! Go give his corp and runner decks some love. He's the guy that taught me netrunner way back in 2014 and I would not be here without him.