Biotech Biotic Breakthrough

rattkin 315

Here's a new type of deck I took to PL nationals. It went 4/2, but lost two games because my own mistakes. (damn you, Clot/Cyberdex timing!)

The idea is to capitalize on Runner behavior, while not knowing what kind of deck this might be for the first couple of rounds. In such case, Runners usually are unlikely to run ice (they expect Cortex Lock) and they rarely want to run triple advanced remotes (they will run double advanced though), in fear of Junebug / Cerebral Overwriter. This can be used a significant advantage in the first turns. They will be scared of Snares and other standard Jinteki stuff. They won't be running that much.

Your main goal is to push Medical Breakthroughs quickly. If the Runner steals one, that's fine. When choosing the identity, almost always choose the flip for 4 advancements, because this gives this deck maximum flexibility. Install Medical's naked, install behind Ice, Mushin them and advance some more. The main difference here is that you never play install-advance-advance - this is something Runner might bite easily. But 3 or 4 advancements, they will be hesitant. If they don't run ICE, gather some money and biotic Braintrusts - Runner still won't exactly know what kind of deck this is.

Be aware of standard tricks with 4 advancement / 3 clicks + Biotics - you can easily score 4req Medical Breakthrough, hell, you can even score Future Perfect from hand.

In general, Mushin everything, "without thinking", remember that you can use cards that cannot be normally advanced (Jackson, Melange, Cyberdex). Whatever you mushin, it's usually good for you. Plan B is the star of this deck, because noone expects it. Have some agendas in hand to punish runner greatly for running your traps. Mushin Junebug, it's another vector for kill if they think, there's nothing to be scared about. Fake Ronins. Mushin Allele Repression - if they run it, scrap it before they reach it and regain whatever cards you need from Archives. Allele supports Jackson greatly, especially against milling Noise. One game it even saved me, where I put 2 agendas back into archives before Runner hit me with Legwork - the potential here is very big, also with surprise economy (get 2 hedge funds easily and play them same turn). If you don't want to use your traps or Runners don't run them, always have at least one with 4 adv to fake Ronin and be a source for double Trick of Light. If you have some balls, you can have 3-4 advanced agenda on the table and use its tokens as Trick of Light source for another agenda. Everyone would assume that was a trap you're trying to salvage. Surprise score couple of rounds later, profit.

And oh, need money? Mushin whatever, then Backchannel it - 9 creds for 3 clicks is not too shabby, right Melange?. You can even do this with agenda (it's still facedown) - noone ran Archives after that, because who would be crazy enough to scrap agenda like that. Tempo advantage for you, again. Of course, when worried, have some Jacksons/Allele ready, to get it back.

Finally, when you're needing that last 1/2 points, Fast Track for it. At that time, chances are, Runner will be already set up, so unpredictable things works best for you, to make them lose tempo.

The ICE setup is mostly a gearcheck, slowing Runners as long as possible or score early behind one ICE in remote / have Melange for couple of rounds. Lotus Fields as hard counters for Datasuckers/Parasite that are everywhere, and Swordsman against Faust, that I expected to see a lot (and I did). The ICE str is set up especially to be a pain for Faust and cause him lose more than one card. Wall of Static taxes everyone the same, whether it's Corroder, Faust or Lady. Atman STR 4 can be a problem but I was not expecting to see them often (and I didn't). Because most of your ICE is cheap, there's a lot of recursion (Jackson/Allele, identity flip) and most of your actions are for free (mushins, trick of light, identity flip), you'll find yourself sitting on a lot of money most of the time. This not only helps with Biotics, but serve as even another vector of threat, if they suspect some trace shenanigans.

4 Sep 2015 prozz

very excited to try this. looks really good and refreshing :)

4 Sep 2015 rattkin

Well, let me know how it went :)

5 Sep 2015 FishbaitHarry

I think you can't use Allele Repression after you Mushin No Shin it (not until your next turn), because you can't rez it.

5 Sep 2015 rattkin

I don't see how this is relevant, but thanks for the obvious tip.

5 Sep 2015 rattkin

Good point. It doesn't matter that much most of the time, though.