Classic Gabe

Okram 7

Pretty classic gabe here. This deck can put a high pressure on the corp early in the game, using datasucker, security testing and desperado to maintain a good economy. legwork tutorred via planned assault and R&D interface will help finding the last agenda points later in the game. This deck has to be very aggressive when main servers are poorly defended, keep the corp poor with account siphon and emergency shutdown. With Gabe even more than other criminals HQ gonna be really defended after several turns, so try to make that work your way: force them to overstack ices on that server then play sneakdoor or R&D interface and hit hard. Try to keep inside job to get to that big remote, don't waste them on main servers unless you got a few interface installed, or to punish that corp feeling safe behind a couple of ice. You can remove those plastcrete, but you must really pay attention to your credits pool against any NBN or Weyland deck, at least until you saw how they spent their influence points.

Most weaknesses of this deck are relative to its classicism. The corp probably gonna know what you are trying to do, and what tools you got.

Sorry for my english and thank you for reading, any constructive comments are welcome!